Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity


In The Divine Comedy of Sales, Matt McDarby offers a clear view of great sales leadership by looking through the lens of the people being led. What are the qualities of the sales leaders you would be inclined to follow? What actions do they take…
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Leadership is one of the world’s oldest professions. There are countless resources for one to learn about leadership and do an in-depth study. In this book, my goal is not to provide a scholarly tome, but rather to provide emerging leaders simple messages for guidance…
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This practical and inspiring guide is for anyone in a managerial or leadership role wishing to improve their leadership skills. It presents 21 examples of real-life leadership-in-action scenarios, with a focus on best practices in business leadership, and emphasizing practical and critical leadership skills.
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Struggling with difficult conversations? Don't let them hurt your career or relationships - take control of the outcome by learning how to have productive and positive outcomes from every challenging conversation.
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Learn from Leaders, Visionaries, & Trailblazers the skills, physiology, and motivation needed to walk into any situation with confidence. “Evan consumes so much content and then knows how to DJ it to inspire people.” - Gary Vaynerchuk
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'1 Habit For Women Action Takers' offers small impactful steps that will help you create the life you have always dreamed of.
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Reboot your thinking to get rid of beliefs that hold you back so you can discover, create, and live the life that makes YOU Come Alive! Just follow the simple steps of MSG - Mindset, Skillset, and Get Off Your Asset!
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The Go-Giver tells the story of an ambitious young man named Joe who yearns for success but is frustrated in his efforts. Over the course of one week, through encounters with an enigmatic consultant named Pindar and a series of Pindar’s friends, Joe learns that…
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Organizational Development

Finding the right talent is hard. Finding the right talent that will prosper and stay is even harder. Business growth is being stifled and fields of office cubicles remain empty due to the fierce competition for talent today with job openings having recently surged to…
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'Hacked Again' details the ins and outs of a cybersecurity expert and CEO of a top wireless security tech firm, Scott Schober, as he struggles to understand the motives and mayhem behind his being hacked.
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Arie Brish spent more than thirty years contributing to global innovations in diverse industries in a variety of executive roles, including general manager and CEO, as well as board of director and advisory roles. He has participated in different aspects of the development of hundreds…
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Innovation requires teaming. (Put another way, teaming is to innovation what assembly lines are to car production.) This book brings together key insights on teaming, as they pertain to innovation. How do you build a culture of innovation? What does that culture look like? How…
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More of us are working from home and/or are creating new home-based businesses. That means it’s even more important to create a strong personal brand so that you stand out from your competition.
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In this book, world-renowned marketing thought leader Sandeep Dayal explains how to leverage behavioral psychology, social anthropology, and neuroscience to decode what goes on in consumer minds, and create effective marketing strategies to build the kind of loyalty that fuels today’s iconic brands.
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In 1954, Roger Bannister decided he would break the four-minute-mile record. Not only did he do this, but within a year, his achievement empowered 37 others to do the same. He accomplished his own 'breakthrough' and inspired others to push themselves beyond what they thought…
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'Crawl, Walk, Run' is your practical guide for navigating each stage of analytics maturity, beginning with the basics and taking you step-by-step through a framework for achieving greater efficiency and increased confidence in your marketing decisions.
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Twenty-first century customers are demanding more than ever - they will communicate with a company in whatever channel they need to at the time they want to. They want their interactions with the company to be seamless, convenient and simple. They want to get whatever…
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'The 10 Stories Great Leaders Tell' explores the journey behind success, and breaks down not just the importance of your company's story but how to craft compelling ones of your own.
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Thi book gives managers, entrepreneurial thinkers, and executives a practical guide to optimizing resources, capitalizing on the unknown while finding a work-life balance to increase profits.
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For the price of one nice dinner, you’ll have access to over 50 forms that keep you moving in the right direction. Each new day, you’ll tackle challenges like employee engagement, business planning, conflict resolution and more. Everything you’ve been looking for is right in…
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Personal Growth

This 150-page journal makes it easy to map out your legacy. Coach, speaker and encourager, Annie Meehan, suggests you use the journal to explore your life, answering the thought-provoking questions to help you move in the right direction. Space is left for you to doodle,…
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You will discover the habits of some of today’s most influential people, and how you can integrate those into your own life and make them part of your habits to happiness and success. This book can help you create habits that will allow you to…
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Not only does the "1 Habit" contain the habits, but it also teaches you how to make a habit part of who you are. Make it part of your being. Once instilled in you, the Habits becomes something you just automatically now do, and that…
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Bottom line, you could spend 20 years of trial and error trying to find these Habits for yourself, or you can read '1 Habit' and learn from others that have already done the work for you.
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Based on the author's long, high-profile career in sales, sales training, and sales management, each lesson is illustrated using Ted's personal experiences, developed through individual stories, along with current relevant sales management situational examples, each emphasizing a critical managerial skill set. The concepts presented here…
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No matter who you are, what you do, where you work, or how much money you make, you can learn a lot from a cab driver--especially when it is Taxi Terry, a successful self-starting entrepreneur who combines passion with effort and skill to create distinction…
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Edmondson clarifies Buckminster Fuller's synergetic geometry in conventional language and mathematics and illuminates his effort to employ synergetics as a strategy for human survival. Updated author Preface and new Foreword by J. Baldwin
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We start our businesses with the best of intentions. Spend more time with the family, travel more, earn lots of money and have more free time.Somewhere along the way, we lose sight of that. Automate Your Business is an easy to read guide for the…
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Sales Leaders

For the future, there must be a perfect balance of humans and technology. You have to have the perfect technology, andthen the perfect human being in application, performance and presentation. Today and into the future, it’s a 50-50 balance. In the past it was perhaps…
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Are you surrounded by people who are stuck in the "status quo" or satisfied with participation trophies? Is this mediocrity your new standard? Have you settled for a mundane existence, as it would appear millions of people have? Is that what you envisioned for your…
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That's the desperate cry from salespeople as they try to win deals in competitive marketplaces. While the easy answer is to lower the price, the company sacrifices margin--oftentimes unnecessarily.
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52 Sales Management Tips is written for sales managers who struggle within a corporate environment that doesn't always support them or their development needs. Whether you are a sales executive, senior sales leader or a new, experienced or aspiring sales manager I'm confident you will…
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Could you close $100,000 - $1,000,000 business-to-business sales if you were not allowed to visit your customer face-to-face? Business changes were already occurring in sales, but are now accelerated. In a world of corporate travel restrictions, global concerns about meetings and the always diminishing availability…
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Discover a groundbreaking approach to sales prospecting that has transformed the lives and careers of countless sales professionals. Drawing from his extensive experience in the trenches of outbound sales, Justin Michael presents a methodology that not only revolutionizes prospecting, but he also built a thriving…
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Stuck deals are arguably the biggest problem in sales. Depending on the industry, between 40-60% of all sales are lost to no-decision. The implications are staggering. This fact means that the problem of stuck deals and "no-decision" effectively doubles the cost of every sale, and…
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Customers today have a simple request of all sellers: "Just give me the information I need. Now. Don't dress it up, don't overdo it, don't take me to lunch. The time I have to invest in you is limited, and all your extraneous activity just…
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Sales Methodologies

A new trend is emerging. A trend that is changing the way B2B sales teams operate and individual reps sell. It's been talked about on countless sales blogs, it's in every conversation at sales conferences, and it's been predicted as the future of sales by…
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No matter what industry you’re in, you cannot sustain forward movement without the unconditional resolve to give and do your best every day—no retreat, no surrender. If you can live to the spirit of this commitment, the detailed philosophies, strategies, and methods outlined in Always…
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Describes a four-step process that uncovers internal and external causes of life imbalances and offers practical techniques for restoring equilibrium at home and work
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Baseline Selling - How to Become a Sales Superstar by Using What You Already Know About the Game of Baseball, will dramatically change the way we approach the sales process, replacing the gratuitous complexity advocated by today's sales "experts" with elegant and very effective simplicity.…
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Proven techniques to master the art of the cold call Cold calling is not only one of the fastest and most profitable ways to initiate a new sales contact and build a business; it's also one of the most dreaded for the salesperson and the…
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'42 Rules of Cold Calling Executives (2nd Edition)' is an easy to read book that gives concise, easy to implement methods to get results with cold calls. Many sales professionals find that part of their job difficult and unpleasant yet the 42 Rules gives them…
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As a salesperson, connecting with and converting prospects is one of your main goals. With all the options and knowledge at the fingertips of potential customers, it can be hard to stand out from all the others selling out there.Selling is about more than just…
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There is no way to avoid objections when telephone prospecting. The skill is in managing them when they come, and use them to create a sales conversation. The Objection Handling Handbook explores the most common objections we face when prospecting. The present specific steps to…
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Marketing & Sales

The Persuasion Code Capture, convince, and close scientifically Most of your attempts to persuade are doomed to fail because the brains of your audience automatically reject messages that disrupt their attention. This book makes the complex science of persuasion simple. Learn to develop better marketing…
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Business and leadership in general are fast changing worlds. But too often policies, procedures, and bureaucracy can slow necessary changes to a crawl, and negatively affect a company’s bottom line.
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Learn the digital transformation secrets of the world's most enduring companies: Find out what they do to build stability in times of constant change, and most importantly, how they make their business "Futureproof."More than ever before, well-established companies are succumbing to wave after wave of…
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We all have days where it's hard to get out of bed. For many people, the demands of work and life, in general, can seem overwhelming on a daily basis. According to The Engaged Workplace, Gallup conducted studies over three years (2017)and learned that fewer…
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Performance coach Alan Stein Jr. shares the secret principles used by world-class performers that will help you improve your productivity and achieve higher levels of success. High achievers are at the top of their game because of the discipline they have during the unseen hours.…
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The most powerful system for sales success from the author of the bestselling audiobook, The Psychology of Selling. Strategy, tactics, and mental preparedness separate superior salespeople from the average and with technological advances evening the competition, the selling edge is now more important than ever.…
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"The best sales book of the year" strategy+business magazine that gap between your company's sales efforts and strategy? It's real and a huge vulnerability. Addressing that gap, actionably and with attention to relevant research, is the focus of this book. In Aligning Strategy and Sales,…
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BIZ DEV DONE RIGHT is devoted to helping business owners, sales VPs, and sellers uncover and manage the blind spots in the sales process that keep you from the success you deserve. Learn the practical and powerful information you need to IMMEDIATELY accelerate next level…
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Often the decision between a customer choosing you over someone like you is your ability to know exactly what to say, when to say it, and how to make it count. Phil M. Jones has trained more than two million people across five continents and…
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DO YOU • Find study boring? • Get drowsy while studying? • Find it hard to focus and pay attention? If you said ‘yes’, this book shows you how to learn so you remember more for longer. Based on the science of how your brain…
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Over 55% of your day is spent listening, yet only 2% of us have been trained in how to listen. What is poor listening costing you? Do you rush from meeting to meeting, your head buried in the last conversation you had, without time to…
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There are hundreds of books about sales, but how many of them have actually helped anyone become a better salesperson?Hal Becker's Ultimate Sales Bookis a sales book and sales training course rolled into one, written by Xerox's former number-one U.S. salesperson and one of America's…
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With their national bestseller The Go-Giver, Bob Burg and John David Mann took the business world by storm, showing that giving is the most fulfilling and effective path to success. That simple, profound story has inspired hundreds of thousands of readers around the world-but some…
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Leaders require context for what they do and how they spend their time. A philosophy that guides their behavior and the things they treat as a priority. Without context, leaders tend not to lead. They flit. They simply follow their nose and spend their time…
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It's getting tougher to develop a winning formula in today's business world. Competition is fierce. Customers are demanding, fickle and unpredictable and employees are looking for insightful and caring leadership. In response, extreme energy in most organizations is spent on trying to develop the "perfect"…
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Marketing 101 is in serious trouble. Its effectiveness is extremely limited. If you are practising traditional text book marketing, this book is your wake-up call. You are subjecting your organization to extreme risk.
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