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Sales is an ever changing pursuit where new methods, tools and tactics are constantly being introduced as buyer behavior evolves. It is also an area where tried and tested methods and approaches still hold true or are sometimes more relevant than they ever were. That is why we have assembled a mix of the best new sales books with the enduring ones from years past.
In today's commoditized marketplace, no matter what product or service you sell, there's probably someone somewhere able to offer it cheaper, faster, and maybe even better. So how do you differentiate yourself from your competitors? The Connectors shows that the only thing that truly sets…
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Warren Buffett didn't become the world's third wealthiest individual on his investing instincts alone. Buffett is a master dealmaker. In fact, one of his greatest single successes came when he closed multiple deals to own 100 percent of the Government Employees Insurance Company--also known as…
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Act Like a Sales Pro was a finalist for TOP SALES AND MARKETING BOOK OF 2011 and featured on the cover of Ken Blanchard's Sales and Service Excellence Magazine and Julie Hansen's articles have appeared across the globe.Acting is the ultimate form of persuasion. Now…
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"How to Persuade and Get Paid" is a sales training program that combines information and entertainment to teach you exactly what it takes to create success in today’s challenging marketplace.
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There are approximately 35 million business to business sales reps in the country selling everything from books and computers to furniture and flooring. They know as well as anyone that selling to other businesses is not the same as selling to consumers. Businesses have different…
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How To Sell More, In Less Time, With No Rejection Using Common Sense Telephone Techniques-Volume 2 builds on the ideas and techniques covered in Volume 1 information thousands of sales reps worldwide have used on the phone to get more business, beat call reluctance, and…
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Forged in the crucible of the most difficult markets of the last 20 years, these proven strategies and mental resources will give you the ability to become the confidence, motivation, hope, and certainty your current and future customers need right now.
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The Seller’s Challenge: How Top Performers Master Deal-Killing Obstacles in B2B Sales There is a common question that troubles all sellers at different points in their careers: “So, what do I do now?” It may be uttered out of fear, or confusion, but it’s that…
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