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Sales is an ever changing pursuit where new methods, tools and tactics are constantly being introduced as buyer behavior evolves. It is also an area where tried and tested methods and approaches still hold true or are sometimes more relevant than they ever were. That is why we have assembled a mix of the best new sales books with the enduring ones from years past.
When Harold “Carload” Ritchie died in 1933, Time magazine’s obituary noted that “he had good claim to the proud title of ‘World’s Greatest Salesman.’” He was one of the richest men in Canada, and owned the largest sales network in the world. Yet little is…
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“The “little black book” of sales.” “Easy to read and implement. A future business classic.” What is this book about? This book will help you to explain what you do, why that matters to your clients and why they should choose you. This increases sales.
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Emotional intelligence plays a vital role in every stage of the sales process. It’s easy to get defensive when prospects challenge you on price or to quickly cave and offer discounts in response to pressure. Those are examples of the fight-or-flight response--something salespeople learn to…
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Based on one of today’s most popular sales training programs "Crushing Quota" breaks the process down into manageable components, so you can make sales coaching a realistic, meaningful part of your staff’s job.
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"Digital Selling" makes sense of the new paradigms in which a salesperson now operates. It outlines the new strategies required to make the most of the plentiful opportunities that exist, and provides the practical advice salespeople need to use the social web effectively, generate leads…
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Make every sales call count and be the ONE seller buyers actually want to talk to! With DISCOVER Questions®
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In this book, you will learn the five important areas of prospecting and learn how to control the conversation while anticipating and turning around objections better than ever. You will be given a simple, easy-to-use call-counting system that will allow you to know your success…
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Don't Just Stand There, Sell Something aims to help enhance the relationship between the sales manager and salesperson using humor that comes from a lifetime in the trenches. The book teems with practical advice and insight for anyone in sales, from the novice to the…
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