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With an increasingly empowered Buyer, it is more essential that ever that Sales & Marketing become more aligned. We have selected some Marketing books for the foremost thought-leaders in bringing Sales & Marketing more into sync.
Marketing & Sales
70+ lists from 60+ manufacturing experts: Your warehouse... Your inventory... Your sales... Your people... Your financials... Your technology... ...All the questions you have about running a manufacturing business are answered by experts in their field. • 10 tips for improving your warehouse safety • 20…
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The speed of innovation and change in B2B marketing has never been greater. And the need for clarity for a blueprint, for a guide to what's really working and how to apply it specifically to increase sales pipeline growth, velocity, and conversion - is what…
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The international bestseller—now in a new edition When it comes to marketing, anything goes in the Digital Age, right? Well, not quite. While marketing and public relations tactics do seem to change overnight, every smart businessperson knows that it takes a lot more than the…
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Pontefract combines years of experience and research on employee engagement, behavior and culture to create a work about the three crucial areas of purpose: personal, organizational and workplace role. If all three can come to fruition--if there is a positive interconnection between the three distinct…
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The Smart Guide to Accomplishing Your Goals is the perfect resource for readers who want to improve their career prospects, have happier home lives, and be effective and persuasive in interpersonal exchanges. Offering readers a broad look at the process of setting and reaching goals…
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Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube™ have changed the way consumers communicate today and businesses today must be a part of this social phenomenon or risk losing significant marketing opportunities. THE SOCIAL MEDIA BUSINESS EQUATION: USING ONLINE CONNECTIONS TO GROW YOUR BOTTOM LINE clearly demonstrates how…
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The Internet and social media have created a new group of Haves and Have-Nots in business. The Haves enjoy a competitive advantage, access to nearly unlimited information, and are pushing the Have-Nots out of leadership roles (and sometimes jobs) in organizations. In The Social Media…
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We all know that word-of-mouth can turn a company, product, or service into a roaring success or a crashing failure. This updated, information-packed 4th edition offers you a proven model for developing your referral marketing plan.
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