Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity

Gene Marks

Gene is president of The Marks Group, providing technology and consulting services to small and medium sized businesses. He writes regularly for Washington Post, Forbes, Huffington Post, Inc. and He is the bestselling author of five business management books.

Author's Publications on Amazon

3rd Edition! As seen in Business Week, American City Business Journal, and Forbes magazines, this funny and insightful collection of Gene Marks' popular columns teaches: -how one business person generates more leads through social networking; -what Paris Hilton knows about successfully negotiating and starting up…
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Whether you're an account manager for a large corporation or a fledgling entrepreneur, the small business market is one you can't afford to ignore. Your bottom line depends on it. Yet to capture this market, you need to adopt a new strategy-a strategy that recognizes…
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Every day, small business owners make decisions about what products to buy and who should service their business based on sketchy facts, gut feeling, and the occasional recommendation, or they waste valuable time and money trying to find information and resources. What if there was…
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Outsourcing is in now readers can see how its done. In this clear-cut guide to outsourcing, business owners and managers will learn the historical and global issues of outsourcing, whether they really need to outsource at all, how to decide the costs and benefits of…
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70+ lists from 60+ manufacturing experts: Your warehouse... Your inventory... Your sales... Your people... Your financials... Your technology... ...All the questions you have about running a manufacturing business are answered by experts in their field. • 10 tips for improving your warehouse safety • 20…
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