Dear Salesperson, Okay, it’s time for a heart-to-heart talk, here. While I do appreciate your questions, I have found myself having to repeat the same answer over, and over, and over. “How can I get those buyers to listen to me? I cannot seem to elicit a call back or response, or even get their ...
We’re human, and there is no changing that. That means we’re flawed and insecure at times, but we’re also powerfully creative. Our ability to reason, think, express a complex range of emotion shows an intricate web of interactions firing off to form images, actions, trigger behaviours and all kinds of responses to our internal and ...
Sometimes I wish I could pick David Meerman Scott’s brain on a daily basis because every time I speak with him he comes out with some outstanding pearls of wisdom. These simple yet extremely powerful insights have influenced my thinking on more than one occasion in the past. Some years back he was one of ...
A primary decision to be made by any business owner is how one of the company’s most valuable assets–its sales pipeline–can be protected. Future income rests squarely in the relationships that you and your team have built with customers and prospects. The close dates for those prospects are stretched out over time–some now, others in ...
As an entrepreneur or sales manager, you may be doing everything by the book to ensure better sales. But you may be shocked to find that the sales figures do not match your expectations. In spite of robust campaigns and aggressive marketing, your products fail to generate high revenues. The problem may be with your ...
While artificial intelligence has been predicted for many years, especially through science fiction movies and television, it is truly now coming to pass. We see it with Apple’s Siri and Alexa from Amazon. We witness it with the navigation systems we have in our cars. We see it in air traffic control, and in the ...
Enhancing long term sales performance doesn’t happen by exclusively focusing on better selling techniques. And it doesn’t happen by simply reorganizing the sales organization to reallocate and better focus sales resources. The sales improvement journey begins with clearly defining the strategic role of sales and ends with designing and compensating for the specific behaviours salespeople ...
Many employers believe that money is the most effective motivator. The problem is that this method gets expensive and doesn’t work as well as positive, non‑monetary motivators. There are other positive motivators that excite many employees even more than money, such as recognition, prestige, achievement, sincere appreciation, pride in a job well done, a voice ...
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