I never really went in for poetry at school, but one poem, The Convergence of the Twain by Thomas Hardy, has stuck with me for over 40 years. Here are its opening lines: In a solitude of the sea Deep from human vanity, And the Pride of Life that planned her, stilly couches she. Hardy ...
Before their year end reviews, executive decision makers still have time to make things happen. They not only need to complete unfinished initiatives from their lists in order to get their bonuses and obtain great scores, but may also be seeking promotions and therefore showcasing themselves to management. Many decision makers must also use up ...
In selling, we bundle our accounts into categories – vertical, geographic, by size and other logical groupings. We do this, of course, to be more efficient in winning business. And it makes sense as descriptive information about accounts is always helpful. But what do these groupings tell you about the actual traits and tendencies of ...
Ta da! Your marketing team just delivered a brand new, spiffy presentation to your sales team. So why, three months later, is no one using it?? Here are just a few of the reasons I hear from salespeople: “It’s not my style. I like to just have a conversation. It’s already out of date. It’s ...
There are hundreds of selling systems and sales approaches. “Unique proprietary methods” are touted by every sales consulting or development firm and every sales guru. But there is one common denominator that never varies: salespeople must be likeable. Likeability is the very foundation of trust, and before prospects will provide you access to their thoughts, ...
To be clear, your target account list is: Your highest potential target accounts Your ‘Big opportunities or big hits’ list Your elephant or whale list We call these TOP Line Account™ opportunities. (TOP Line Accounts are defined as your biggest and best opportunities and are generally worth at least 5x your average prospect size.) Many ...
So, how do we get sales and marketing aligned? At first glance, this might not seem like a very complicated question to answer. I mean, both departments have very similar goals, right? Now, ask me how we can align sales and legal? Ahhh, now that’s a question! Sales versus the sales prevention department – a ...
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