Blog / Oct 27, 2021

Roy Osing
Roy Osing is a former president, CMO and entrepreneur with over 40 years of successful and unmatched executive leadership experience in every aspect of business. As President of a major data and internet company, his leadership and audacious ‘unheard-of ways’ took the company from its early stage to $1 Billion in annual sales. He is a resolute blogger, keen content marketer, dedicated teacher and mentor to young professionals. As an accomplished business advisor, he is the author of the no-nonsense book series ‘BE DiFFERENT or be dead.’
He is devoted to inspiring leaders, entrepreneurs and organizations to stand apart from the average boring crowd and achieve their true potential.
Author's Publications on Amazon
by Roy Osing
Leaders require context for what they do and how they spend their time. A philosophy that guides their behavior and the things they treat as a priority. Without context, leaders tend not to lead. They flit. They simply follow their nose and spend their time…
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by Roy Osing
It's getting tougher to develop a winning formula in today's business world. Competition is fierce. Customers are demanding, fickle and unpredictable and employees are looking for insightful and caring leadership. In response, extreme energy in most organizations is spent on trying to develop the "perfect"…
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by Roy Osing
Marketing 101 is in serious trouble. Its effectiveness is extremely limited. If you are practising traditional text book marketing, this book is your wake-up call. You are subjecting your organization to extreme risk.
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by Roy Osing
The challenge facing a leader in today's highly volatile economy is formidable. It is to create an organization to Stand-Out NOT Fit-In. Companies that fail to break away from The Competitive Herd and establish themselves as Unique, Distinctive and Remarkable to their Fans fade away…
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by Roy Osing
BE DiFFERENT or be dead: The Audacious ‘Unheard-of Ways’ I Took a Startup TO A BILLION IN SALES provides practical and proven ways for organizations and professionals to be unique, stand out from their competition in a compelling, relevant way and achieve staggering success.
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by Roy Osing
Selected by Soundview Executive Book Summaries as one of the top business books in the USA. The Challenge for any Business Leader is to harness the energy from all parts of their organization to work in unison to win in their market. In practical and…
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by Roy Osing
Want to take your career to another level? Achieve greater success in a world where the competition for a fast track route to success is fierce? Roy Osing’s 30+ years in business taught him one simple truth: if you are not DiFFERENT, if you are…
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Author’s Articles Blog / Off The Cuff
Blog / Jun 8, 2021
7 Simple Practices That Make a Great Salesperson
Blog / Nov 8, 2020
6 Things Some Salespeople Do To Enrage Me
Blog / Oct 22, 2020
Why Losing a Sale is Absolutely Necessary
Blog / Sep 3, 2020
Two Simple Things Successful Sales Leaders Do
Blog / Aug 7, 2020
How To Get Sales To Really Not Sell Anything
Blog / Jul 15, 2020
A Résumé Without These 5 Important Things Is Useless
Blog / May 23, 2020
This Is What Bonding With Salespeople Looks Like
Blog / Apr 18, 2020
This is what happens if you’re not a buyer
Author’s Media TV / Podcast
Expert Interviews / Nov 17, 2022
I Took a Startup To a Billion in Sales (video)
Sales Leadership / Nov 15, 2022
🎧 I Took a Startup To a Billion in Sales
Author’s Snapshots Infographics / Slideshows
Infographics / Dec 13, 2016
10 “Get Dirty” Rules for Sales Success

Quick Facts
Sales POP! Top Contributor
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