“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” — Albert Einstein When looking at raw data, we need to be mindful of its limitations, and aware of its potential. Data can reveal the most intricate subtleties about a subject, and help us to understand the meaning behind the numbers. It can help us to ...
When it comes to selling to executives, there’s a lot of well-intended, good advice out there – unfortunately, as the years have passed and buying has evolved, some of it has become more than a little outdated. There are three things that are still very commonly recommended in sales training, books, blog posts, and videos ...
Enterprise salespeople selling big spend, high impact solutions MUST SPEAK THE LANGUAGE OF BUSINESS FINANCE. I know I’m shouting, but I’ve been at this long enough to know that this is an area that salespeople flee from. And yet, constructing a Business Case that demonstrates positive impact on a key financial ratio can win the ...
When your selling, it’s really easy to talk about you, your company and how good your products and services are. Yet to do so is usually a mistake. This approach will rarely work. Yes, there will be a stage during the sales process when you’ll need to talk about how you can help your potential ...
Good news! Pipeliner CRM is now integrated with Capture by RingLead — a Google Chrome plugin, designed to make prospecting easy and efficient. Here’s a Pipeliner CRM video that walks you through the magic of Capture: Capture harvests both structured and unstructured data from Web pages, including lists– then augments that data to produce as ...
Stand on two feet – tall as you can – feet together. Have someone push you as hard as they can. Make sure you are tall. Did you start to fall over? Stand back up, feet shoulder width apart…on your toes a bit. Crouch down a little to distribute body weight evenly. Make sure you’re ...
What makes one salesperson better than another? Quite frankly I am tired of the same old preachings of “micro-sales” techniques intended to enhance sales “efficiency.” There is little discussion on what I would call the “effectiveness” of sales: the ability of a salesperson to consistently win over the competition; to be chosen every time out. ...
Last year I snapped a photo of a curious bumper sticker, and posted it on Facebook. It read, If you’re prepared for flying irradiated zombies that can swim, then you’re prepared for anything. I figured the car’s owner to be either a risk manager or an insurance agent. Who else would be moved to share ...
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