You’ve likely heard that networking can be a great way to generate low-cost leads for yourself and your company. For the price of a cocktail and the time it takes to work the event, you can come away with 5-10 new prospects, if you are networking the right way. If you’re like many salespeople you’ve ...
In this blog series, I’ve covered numerous important aspects of building a sales team: start with salespreneurs, become customer-centric, tailor to your industry, have and use specific personality profiles, and insist reps be self-sufficient. But throughout all that, there is one function you’re going to have to have or the whole thing falls apart: sales ...
The world of sales is complicated and noisy. Customers demand competitors attack, leaders preach and pundits natter. Too many people “splash and spray” too many messages and demands us through too many channels; this relentless and constant bombardment is distracting and often gets in the way of us performing the way the organization expects. Critical ...
A few months back my marketing team had asked me to do some research on the impact that bad data has on sales prospecting campaigns. Since they hear me yammer on and on about this stuff, it was probably their attempt to provide me their version of a psychiatrist couch for me to let it ...
5 Strategies to Proactively Build Trust With Customers I woke up this morning, just in from three weeks on the road, anxious to get back into my normal morning routine; which for me is pot of coffee, television news blaring in the background, and sorting through the pile of work on my desk. This morning ...
It used to be that salespeople, by necessity, had to engage in their own lead generation. They visited potential prospects, made cold calls, attended events, even parties, dinners and golf games, in an effort to obtain leads. All of this was quite in addition to working those leads and closing deals. Today it’s not the same. ...
Greg was a sales person that I will never forget. He would often barrage prospects with a seemingly endless supply of sarcastic remarks. Though his first quip would usually inspire a grin, as the attempts at humor continued, prospects would become annoyed and then attempt to disengage from the sale. In the end, Greg’s ineffective ...
In my last blog post in this series, I discussed how a sales team must be precisely focused for the industry they are in. The sales process and all sales activities must have a precise industry-specific focus. It goes a bit deeper than that, however—for the personality profile of the reps you are hiring must ...
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