Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
Pipeliner CRM Overview

Pipeliner CRM Overview

Pipeliner CRM / Nov 22, 2016 / John Golden

What is Pipeliner CRM, and what can it do for your sales team, sales management and company? Find out how Pipeliner’s Instant Intelligence, Visualized means faster sales velocity and actual empowerment of sales professionals. Play video

How to Improve Your Sales Presentations

How to Improve Your Sales Presentations

Sales Management / Nov 18, 2016 / David Hoffeld

What makes someone an effective presenter? Why do some salespeople seem to effortlessly captivate their buyers, while others struggle just to keep them awake? What an ocean of research has identified is that the way something is presented shapes how it will be perceived and whether it not it will be acted on. In other ... Read Post

Accomplishing the Impossible—Piece by Piece

Accomplishing the Impossible—Piece by Piece

Leadership / Nov 15, 2016 / Nikolaus Kimla

Building anything well takes time, perseverance, detailed planning and trials. It doesn’t happen overnight. As I discovered when I was researching the incredible Apollo program for my recent ebook Accomplishing the Impossible: Lessons from the Apollo Space Program, the Apollo program was built step-by-step, layer by layer. As you’re building something, you’re experimenting—not with the ... Read Post

12 Things to do Every Day to be a Sales Success

12 Things to do Every Day to be a Sales Success

Sales Professionals / Nov 14, 2016 / Roy Osing

Excelling and standing out in anything requires a game plan and relentless execution. In sales, I learned that these simple actions taken EVERY DAY boosted my sales performance and yielded amazing results. #1: Check your performance dashboard to see where you are year-to-date. Keep your targets in front of you and look at them constantly. Where are you ... Read Post

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