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Written by a behavioral relationship expert, Overcoming Insecure Attachment provides actionable steps on how to overcome insecure attachment styles and the problems they spawn with self-value, self-awareness and self-responsibility. Going beyond what traditional attachment theory books focus on, readers will follow eight proven steps that…
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This eleventh book in the series is a unique collection of stories from limitless women who have overcome great odds to create their own lives of significance. These stories are aimed to inspire and encourage women to realize their true potential.
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This book will get you off-center. It’s about gearing up and taking the leap of faith to pursue any dream you may have tucked away in your soul. It's your chance to paint your own picture of what the rest of your life would look…
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What if you didn’t have to change everything in your career to change your life at work? When hard things happen in our fast-moving careers, conventional wisdom offers 2 options: A) go find a new job, or B) stay put and “be grateful you have…
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This book teaches you the foolproof Smash It! method that not only helps you influence others but convinces you that you can do anything that you set your mind to.
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“Stop Doing That Sh*t” helps you connect the dots of your “stuff” all the way from your past to the present. You’ll make sense of yourself as you uncover how to interrupt those destructive cycles of yours and make the kind of profound shift needed…
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In times of crisis, alignment on a shared strategy is even more crucial, and more elusive. Frustrated by organizational silos, fragmentation or resistance to change? Tugs-of-war, with everyone pulling in different directions? Can’t seem to get real buy-in or jumpstart implementation?The award-winning Strategy-In-Action shows how…
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Tools, Tips, Techniques to accelerate the steps from wanting something or an event to getting them. Based on hands on personal experience and on other experts experience.
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