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For business people who already have a business, the award-winning book, 15 Ways to Grow Your Business in Every Economy, also by Mary Kelly is a helpful resource.
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Written in easy, conversational prose, this book relays the experiences of executive coach Frumi Rachel Barr, PhD, as she discovers the hidden lessons of entrepreneurship, and has to apply them in the face of some of life’s harshest realities.
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In this hyper-competitive, globally connected world, how do organizations and individual professionals stand out from the competition and engage their customers?"ALL Business is STILL Show Business" reveals that the secrets and standards of the entertainment industry are exactly what every business in any industry needs…
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Have you taken your business from good to great, only to find that ''great'' still isn t cutting it? Are you making all the right moves in your career and still not receiving the recognition you have earned? Why do companies like Apple get all…
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Updated to reflect the major changes in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the last few years, this third edition of CRM at the Speed of Light: Capturing and Keeping Customers in Real Time is a must-read for executives looking to leverage the latest technologies on…
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Best practices for a successful Social CRM implementation Social CRM is critical to business success in today's hyper-connected environment. Customers' expectations are so great and their demands so empowered that a Social CRM strategy must be built around collaboration and customers engagement, not traditional operational…
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Learn how to create and cultivate a championship culture in your business. It will increase your bottom line by attracting and retaining better people, better clients, and reducing rework. Practical tips and methods will help you maximize productivity, performance, and profit by increasing passion throughout…
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Throughout 'Cybersecurity Is Everybody's Business', Scott and Craig not only contextualize the impact of these cyberattacks on your small business and daily lives but also provide expert insight and a plan of attack for fending off future security breaches.
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