Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
Pipeliner CRM Voyager AI “Gen II”

Pipeliner CRM Voyager AI “Gen II”

Journey to the next frontier of Sales CRM

“AI” › It’s All About the Data

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is only as good as the data it relies upon, therefore, the adage “garbage in, garbage out” is fundamental to its effectiveness. Without accurate data, algorithms cannot produce a correct output. The data management issue is even more acute because AI requires a lot of data. Furthermore, to effectively use the power of AI with internal, limited, or private datasets requires the highest levels of data accuracy and integrity within those datasets.

Automating Repetitive Tasks:

At Pipeliner, we recognized the need to address the challenges posed by repetitive, manual work. This realization led to the development of our pioneering solution, the Automatizer — the first true automation platform for repetitive tasks.

Pipeliner CRM: Pioneering AI in Sales CRM

Pipeliner CRM has been at the forefront of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into relationship management (CRM) technology. While others were still exploring AI’s potential, Pipeliner was already transforming how sales teams operate.

Automating Repetitive Tasks:

At Pipeliner, we recognized the need to address the challenges posed by repetitive, manual work. This realization led to the development of our pioneering solution, the Automatizer—the first true automation platform for repetitive tasks. This groundbreaking innovation served as the starting point for all future advancements in artificial intelligence technology that we knew were essential to implement.

Groundbreaking AI for Sales CRM Voyager AI “Gen I”

In 2018, Pipeliner introduced Voyager AI “Gen I”, a groundbreaking feature that uses intelligent algorithms to analyze customer data and provide sales teams with valuable insights, actionable recommendations, and early warnings about sales opportunities.

Announcing › Pipeliner Voyager AI “Gen II”

In 2024, Pipeliner CRM will launch the second generation of Pipeliner Voyager AI. This includes all of the current AI and AI-enhanced capabilities within Pipeliner CRM, and new and innovative AI features that Pipeliner will add to the platform over time. Like NASA’s Voyager II space probe, which has more sophisticated capabilities and can go deeper and further than Voyager I, Pipeliner’s Voyager AI “Gen II” will take AI for Sales CRM to a whole new level.


As highlighted above, fundamental to unlocking the power of AI for Sales CRM is both data accuracy and automation. Without these many AI tools will be limited point solutions, and most of the platforms that boast AI components will be extremely superficial in what they can deliver.

CRM Today An Empirical Investigation into CRM and Sales Performance Enhancement

CRM Today An Empirical Investigation into CRM and Sales Performance Enhancement

CRM and Sales Performance: An Empirical Study

Authored by Daniel P. Strunk, Professor Emeritus and CRM Curriculum Developer, this research systematically examined Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems within business enterprises. The study’s primary objective was to elucidate the efficacy of CRM systems in enhancing sales performance, with a particular focus on aspects of ownership/account control, system comprehension, and pipeline management. This empirical investigation was aimed at academic enrichment and pragmatic improvements in sales forces’ proficiency with online systems.

Methodological Approach:

The research methodology involved deploying a survey to active clients of various online CRM companies. Meticulously crafted to minimize bias, the survey sought a comprehensive understanding of the industry’s landscape. The thematic areas of the survey encompassed account control, system capability, and aspects of pipeline management and coaching.

Research Findings:

The investigation revealed that CRM systems have become commonplace in mid-sized and small businesses. Notably, 88% of participants acknowledged a clear understanding of the rationale behind implementing CRM systems. Nevertheless, the study unearthed several areas necessitating attention.

Section 1 – Account Control:

Data indicated that 80% of representatives were amenable to the idea that CRM systems were not implemented to diminish their control over accounts.

Section 2 – System Capability:

The findings underscored a pronounced requirement for augmented training to boost sales efficacy and system productivity.

Daniel P. Strunk’s Professional Background:

Professor Strunk’s illustrious career spans roles in the US Air Force, significant leadership positions in the marketing and sales industry, and substantial contributions to academia at DePaul University. His academic contributions, particularly in CRM, through textbooks and curriculum development, have significantly influenced sales strategy and technology education.

Sales Ethics—the Real Boost to Your Success

Sales Ethics—the Real Boost to Your Success

Introduction › Why is Ethics So Important for Your Success in Sales?

In today’s complex and ever-changing business landscape, ethics play a crucial role in determining the success or failure of an organization. Ethical behavior not only fosters trust and credibility with customers, partners, and employees but also ensures long-term sustainability and growth.

However, the importance of ethics in business often goes overlooked or ignored. In the pursuit of profits and market share, some companies resort to unethical practices that can lead to devastating consequences, including legal ramifications, reputational damage, and loss of customer loyalty.

This ebook aims to shed light on the significance of ethics in business and provide practical guidance on how to implement and uphold ethical standards throughout an organization. By understanding the ethical principles that guide responsible business practices, companies can create a culture of integrity and transparency, ultimately leading to greater success in the long run.

The ebook will delve into various aspects of ethical behavior in business, including:

  • Defining ethical principles and their application in the workplace
  • Identifying common ethical dilemmas and potential solutions
  • Establishing ethical policies and procedures
  • Promoting ethical decision-making among employees
  • Addressing ethical breaches and upholding accountability

By embracing ethical practices and fostering a culture of integrity, businesses can reap numerous benefits, including:

  • Enhanced reputation and trust among stakeholders
  • Increased employee morale and productivity
  • Reduced risk of legal and financial liabilities
  • Sustainable growth and long-term success

In today’s competitive business environment, ethical behavior is not just a moral imperative; it is a strategic advantage that can lead to sustainable success and growth. This ebook provides a roadmap for businesses to navigate the complexities of ethical decision-making and establish a culture of integrity that will serve as the foundation for.

Crucial Lessons From History

Crucial Lessons From History

What Might We Learn?

There is no doubt that we live in very turbulent times. Fortunately, we have several hundred years of recorded history to look back on and hopefully learn some lessons from.

The Threat to the Middle Class
Let’s now examine how our future actually depends on the sales profession and its impact on society.

Comparison With Today
At Pipeliner, we’ve been very interested in the role of salespeople, simply because salespeople make up a significant portion of the middle class. Keep in mind that half of the working population is in a sales-related situation. The more we shrink the middle class, the more unstable society becomes.

Win Together
At Pipeliner we have created the slogan “Win Together.” This is a very realistic approach to sales, deeply rooted in the anthropology of the Austrian School of Economics.

Impact on Mindset
All of these trends and events have a direct impact on our mindset. Our mindset, of course, has a direct effect on our behavior. As our behavior as either buyers or sellers deteriorates, we move more and more into deception.

Rapid Destruction
There is a big difference between creation and destruction. Many people don’t understand that it takes many years to create a stable business—for example, Pipeliner took over a decade to build.

Impact on Mindset
All of these trends and events have a direct impact on our mindset. Our mindset, of course, has a direct effect on our behavior. As our behavior as either buyers or sellers deteriorates, we move more and more into deception.

You have probably heard about the disaster with the Titan submersible on its way to view the Titanic. Although there are speculations and claims, we still don’t know exactly what happened.

Living On Mars
Civilization began with trade. I think we came out of our caves and started to communicate better because we traded. Communication is one of the core principles of growth and prosperity.

It’s All Back to Trade
In the Austrian School of Economics, we say, “We have no anthems. We have no flags, no uniforms, no guns. The only thing we have is a better idea.”

Do Not Let War Destroy Our Opportunities

Let’s now examine the false assumption brought up at the end of the last part: that war can somehow lead to prosperity. Some economists claim that war is somehow profitable—but the fact is that war has never led to prosperity in any form in history.

Investing in Peace
While many countries, including the U.S., have invested heavily in the military, there has been a continuous and substantial investment in peace throughout the world, although it may not be named as such. This contradicts the idea that war is profitable.

Why do cities and countries invest in airports? Because people travel. This industry started almost 50 years ago and has boomed like no other with huge investments around the world. We can’t imagine what would happen if this industry were stopped by a crazy 3rd World War—COVID already showed us what it might look like on a smaller scale.

Impact of Wars
We’ve now seen the extraordinary investments that have been made in peace and in sharing our planet. What happens in a time of war, such as the current one in Ukraine?

Removing Barriers
Interestingly, when the government is not involved in the conduct of normal business, it is easy. There are far fewer barriers to trade and consumption.

Killing our Investments?
Billions of dollars have been invested in tourism infrastructures. They were built to last 50 years or more and pay back their investors. What if they don’t survive?

The End of an Age?
In his excellent book The Road to Ruin, author James Rickards discusses the collapse of the Bronze Age around 1200 B.C. This event came with incredible speed, and within 50 years almost every major kingdom had crumbled.

Turning it Around
We can continue on the path we’re on and ruin everything. Or we can take it to the next beautiful level with the incredible technology, including AI and the Internet, available to us today.

Mega-Threats to the Sales Industry

Mega-Threats to the Sales Industry

The data you provided earlier consists of four chapters from an ebook focused on identifying and analyzing mega-threats in the sales industry. Chapter 1 introduces the concept of mega-threats and the motivation behind exploring potential dangers specific to the industry. Chapter 2 discusses the first mega-threat, which involves changes in the role of salespeople due to technological advancements. Chapter 3 explores the mishandling of data as the second mega-threat, emphasizing the potential harm caused by mismanagement or inaccuracies. Finally, Chapter 4 addresses the third mega-threat, which is the absence of proper processes and the use of inappropriate technology, highlighting the importance of efficient and coordinated processes within the sales industry.

Chapter #1
General Mega-Threats

Nouriel Roubini has a fascinating bestselling book called MegaThreats: Dangerous Trends that Imperil Our Future, and How to Survive Them. In this book, Roubini lays out 10 trends that seriously threaten our survival. This book got me thinking: are there mega-threats for our industry coming our way? Thus began creation of an ebook on mega-threats to our particular area of endeavor.

Chapter #2
The First Mega – Threat to the Sales Industry

Let’s look at the first sales mega-threat, which deals with the salespeople


While researching this ebook, I turned back to an excellent book that was popular when I first brought my business to the U.S. from Austria a little less than 11 years ago. The book was by Daniel Pink and was entitled ” To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth about Moving Others”. Going back through Pink’s book, I was startled by how much has changed since it was published. Many factors addressed in the book are no longer relevant, mainly due to the incredible advance of technology.

Chapter #3
The Second Mega-Threat to the Sales Industry: Mishandling of Data

The next mega-threat we’ll take up is the mishandling of data. This is a threat to any enterprise—or, for that matter, any organization or even a government. Data could be generally defined as “facts or information.” It is used for evaluating situations, creating understanding, and many other functions. Data, in many forms, is what humans communicate to each other.

There are two basic ways data can be harmful: if it is mismanaged or if it is inaccurate.

Chapter #4
Mega-Threat Number 3 to the Sales Industry—Missing Processes and Wrong Technology

Let’s take up the final mega-threat to the sales industry—missing processes and wrong technology.


Every activity a company undertakes is a process, and these processes must be as efficient as possible. Processes must also be in very tight coordination—otherwise, another process (or individual or group of people) is left waiting up the line.

5 Artificial Intelligence Sales Myths Debunked

5 Artificial Intelligence Sales Myths Debunked

In this white paper, Nikolaus Kimla explores the Myths Debunked: Data Security & Risk Assessment surrounding AI in Sales forecasting.

Myths Debunked

Data Security & Risk Assessment

It’s true that Artificial intelligence can be of great assistance in sales forecasting.

Pipeliner CRM’s AI, called Voyager, continually navigates and explores customer and prospect data captured in CRM. It then presents key indicators of actions to be taken, areas that need attention, and acts as an early warning system of the health of opportunities in the pipeline.

Myth #1 › “I need to engage special staff for using AI in my business.”

AI is built right into Pipeliner CRM and requires no additional or specialized personnel.

Myth #2 › “AI predicts customer and prospect actions for our sales team.”

Despite what some say about AI, it does not make predictions like some high-tech crystal ball.

Myth #3 › “The path that AI uses to arrive at conclusions cannot be understood.”

There are AI models out there that draw conclusions, and users cannot understand how AI got there.

Myth #4 › “AI is useless with uncertainty.”

On the contrary, AI was developed to deal with and untangle uncertainty. When used correctly, it performs this function outstandingly.

Myth #5 › “In performing analyses, AI invades privacy.”

AI is only as invasive as it is programmed to be.

No Hype — Just Sales AI That Actually Helps You!

Unlike the artificial intelligence (AI) being promoted/hyped by several other CRM applications, the AI utilized in Pipeliner is of a supportive nature.

Restoring Purpose to Sales

Restoring Purpose to Sales

Nikolaus Kimla’s ebook covers restoring purpose to sales in today’s world.  Once in a great while, you observe people in a particular profession who truly represent that profession with honesty and integrity. One standout example is a profession whose people act as one would expect, from how they dress to how they execute their jobs. If they don’t behave this way, it can become life-threatening.

Part 1 – Finding Meaning

Chapter 1: Restoring Sales Purposes

In this light, let’s take a look at salespeople. What was the original purpose of sales? What kind of mindset do we need to reestablish so that they align with their own original goals like a firefighter does with theirs?

Chapter 2: Salespeople — Bring Back the Positive Meaning

In the last chapter, we took up the example of a firefighter and the fact that a firefighter is almost always a positive example of their profession. In the same way, a firefighter has a positive reputation in society.

Chapter 3: Finding that Meaning

FINDING MEANING DOESN’T HAVE TO BE HUGE – Some people seem to think that finding meaning in life means that someone has to want to change the world, or become super-famous.

Chapter 4: Slapping Back at Negative Attitudes on Sales

THE MENTAL MODEL – There is something called a mental model, through which a person sees the world. This mental model influences a person’s decisions, actions, and feelings about life in general.

Chapter 5: Can a Salesperson Find Meaning in Life?

Just based on what you generally hear, and the incredibly negative views shown in popular culture, it would seem that the only meaning a salesperson could find in life would come from high-pressuring prospects to buy things against their will, lusting after money and, in the end, total misery.

Chapter 6: The Aim of Pipeliner With Sales

In this ebook, we’ve been discussing the finding of meaning within sales. Why is this so important?

Part 2 – Building a Character for Sales

Chapter 7: Developing Sales Character

In this ebook, we’ve been talking about bringing honorable purpose back to being a salesperson. When aiming for their true goals, we’ve seen that salespeople create wealth and bring peace.

Chapter 8: Why Character?

The two pillars of the future are technology and human beings. You have to have the perfect technology, and then the perfect human being in application, performance and presentation.

Chapter 9: For Sales, It’s All About Character

In this high-tech mechanized age, many things can be replaced. But the one thing you cannot replace is a human—you can’t replace a human being with whom you share trust. You can’t replace a relationship. And central to trust and relationships is character.

Chapter 10: Watch Your Thoughts, for They Become Words

There is an excellent book available today, one which we promote, called ”Consistency Selling” by Weldon Long. In his book, Long presents this proverb differently: Thoughts control emotions, which leads to controlling actions; when you control actions you control your results, and results control your thoughts. I tend more to the proverb as stated in the beginning here: “Watch your thoughts, for they become words.”

Chapter 11: Watch Your Words, for they Become Actions

THE POWER OF WORDS Humans are the only species capable of articulation of thoughts, through words. Those words have meaning, and are actually extremely powerful.

Chapter 12: Watch Your Actions, for They Become Habits

HABITS LEARNED EARLY – We know one thing about habits, both good and bad: they are learned very early on. A prime example is eating—when parents are careless, and children end up being raised on a diet of sugar and junk food, children grow up with these habits into obesity, diabetes and other health issues. It’s also something that creates a great deal of dissatisfaction with life, as demonstrated by the billion-dollar weight loss industry (diets, gym chains, exercise equipment and even drugs).

Chapter 13: Watch Your Habits, for They Become Character

Character, in my opinion, can be a complicated issue. When you’re talking about character, you’re describing a whole person.

Chapter 14: Watch Your Character, for It Becomes Your Destiny

Many people do not have a clear idea of “destiny.” They don’t conceive a destiny for themselves, or truly understand the concept. What is their destiny? Why are they here? For many it’s just too complex—or they simply don’t wish to confront the issue for themselves. Very few say with certainty, “This is my destiny.” Another way of saying it, of course, is “This
is my goal in life.”

Pipeliner CRM – The Concepts Behind The Features

Pipeliner CRM – The Concepts Behind The Features

The understanding of Pipeliner CRM features must go well beyond simple, functional explanations. Just understanding mechanical functionality doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll really grasp the product and all that it means, which is why I’m now writing this ebook on the concepts behind Pipeliner CRM functionality.

To begin with, there are three distinctly different types of Pipeliner users, who all require different approaches. Let’s first clearly define these different types.

Chapter 1 › Understanding Company Structure

As described in the introduction, we have two different administrator roles—one being the regular administrator and one being the architect administrator. One person might fulfill both roles or, in a larger company, two separate people might be required.

The first thing this architect-administrator has to work out is the company structure. How is it constructed? It could be based geographically—for instance, the company has divisions in Europe, America and Asia.

Chapter 2 › Multiple Pipelines

Within a CRM, a pipeline represents a sales or other type of process. Pipeliner CRM was the first CRM to enable multiple pipelines within CRM.

In this ebook, we’ve been discussing the functions of a different type of CRM administrator, called the architect administrator. This is the person who helps create processes and adapts them to pipelines. Note that, with Pipeliner, this function still requires minimal training and, in fact, can learn the technical aspects in a few hours.

Chapter 3 › Product and Price Lists

Pipeliner is the only CRM offering that allows you to create an extremely flexible product list—one in which you can attach products to different pipelines and product lines.

Chapter 4 › Common Lists

The Pipeliner CRM Common Lists are another first for Pipeliner CRM, and no other vendor has anything like them. They are directly correlated to putting the “R” back in CRM.

The Common Lists include elements relating to account hierarchy, sales roles, contact relations and account relations. As you’ll readily see, these easy-to-utilize elements have incredible usefulness to sales and account management.

Chapter 5 › Fields and Forms

Another straightforward approach for Pipeliner administration is fields and forms. As with much of our other functionality, we’ve made fields and forms far easier than other CRMs. No programming is required, and this function, along with other administration, can be learned in a few hours by anyone who is computer-literate. Everything is done by drag and drop for creating a form.

Chapter 6 › Benefits of Artificial Intelligence to CRM

Any company in the market for a CRM solution today should beware of wild claims being made in the name of artificial intelligence being used in CRM. Clearly, there are functions AI can perform today, and functions that it clearly cannot.

The most prominent AI CRM product being sold at the moment is sold on the presumption that AI will affect how decisions are being made within organizations, and will actually change how selling is done. AI will provide greater insight into customers, leveraging big data to identify when they will purchase. AI will forecast purchasing trends and inform promotional activities, and even allow prediction of marketing events.

Chapter 7 › Best-of-Breed Connectivity

A primary philosophical tenet at Pipeliner is “best of breed.” Along with Pipeliner, we want you to be able to integrate and connect with the very best applications out there for all your other tasks and duties. Pipeliner connects with all the systems you use, automates your sales force processes, and easily imports or migrates all your data.

Chapter 8 › Summary and Final Thoughts

As differentiated from the day-to-day CRM administrator, the architect administrator is the one who operates on a conceptual level of the organization’s business processes, and continually finds ways to create those processes within Pipeliner. These functions are not only designed for sales—they could very well be for anywhere else in the company. The architect administrator, in my opinion, is the new norm for the future.

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