CRM and Marketing Campaigns: Using them Together to Get Conversions A well-developed and well-executed marketing campaign can make great positive contributions to your business and to its overall brand. However, when putting the campaign together, things can quickly become overwhelming, and maybe even a real challenge. What type of content should the campaign include? On ...
One day a corporate client asked me to coach a struggling salesperson named David. This surprised me because David was widely regarded as the most knowledgeable salesperson in the company. Watching David in action taught me a valuable lesson. Objections can come from two different levels. Salespeople must address them at their respective levels. The ...
Four Ways to Compete with the Big Boys if You’re Just Starting Out There are many challenges a business is facing when it’s just starting up. But one of the hardest things to do is dealing with the competition, due to the fact that some of your adversaries are gigantic companies that are already well ...
You may or may not know this, but happy salespeople produce more sales. If you are able to tap into the secret of a salesperson’s happiness, you can better drive sales growth within your organization. . According to legend, a young John Lennon was once asked by his teacher what he wanted to be when ...
In every performer’s career there seems to come a time when then have a “slump.” It happens to golfers, baseball players–and yes, even the best of sales pros. How do you handle such a slump–a slow streak or sales drought? To answer this question, I took a look back to my time as a new ...
In our last article in this series we discussed the salesperson’s overcoming of social attitudes in order to find meaning in life. Now, let’s get more basic. In this post, let’s look at the 2 fundamental ways meaning in life–for salespeople or really anyone–can come about. It is crucially important to find meaning in your ...
The sales under-promise and over-deliver tactic is dishonest. And yet you constantly hear it as a sales tactic. People generally describe it as a means to manage client expectations, but it’s really a fear that the organization won’t be able to deliver precisely what the client wants, so the salesperson is forced to downplay the ...
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