Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
TV Expert Interviews / Leadership / Sep 18, 2023 / Posted by Dr. Keith McNally / 67

What are the Core Elements of Successful Leadership? (video)


Walking the Path: A Leader’s Journey

A Deep Dive into Leadership and Authenticity

Hello everyone, I recently had the pleasure of hosting an enlightening podcast episode with Dr. Keith McNally, a renowned leadership coach, author, and US ambassador for Be Happy for Nothing. We had an engaging discussion about his book, “Walking the Path: A Leader’s Journey,” and delved into the power of reflection, writing, and the core elements of successful leadership.

The Inspiration Behind “Walking the Path: A Leader’s Journey”

Dr. Keith McNally, who was joining us from southern Virginia amidst a hurricane watch, shared the intriguing backstory of his book. It all started with a conversation with a colleague who suggested he write a book. Initially, it was meant to be a co-authored piece on leadership, but Dr. Keith decided to take the reins and created a unique blend of fable, leadership context, and journaling.

The choice of a story format was intentional, designed to make the book relatable and allow readers to see themselves in the characters and their development. The book encourages reflection and writing, with sections for readers to pen down their thoughts and answer questions. Dr. Keith emphasized the importance of taking action and putting thoughts into practice, highlighting the power of writing things down and the psychological impact of crossing things off a to-do list. He also shared his personal practice of using journals for various purposes, including exercise tracking and goal setting.

The Six Elements of Successful Leadership

Our conversation then shifted to the core elements of successful leadership. Dr. Keith outlined the six elements of socially conscious leadership discussed in his book: sustainability, accomplishments, communication styles, alignment, and values. He explained that the goal of the book is to help leaders find alignment between their thoughts, feelings, and actions.

We also discussed the importance of being in touch with one’s emotions and being authentic in order to make informed and responsible decisions. We touched on the idea of fear and how it can drive action, but emphasized the importance of verbalizing and owning it to deal with it effectively.

The Power of Authenticity

Authenticity was a recurring theme in our conversation. It’s a term often thrown around but not always understood. I defined authenticity as showing up as oneself and shared a personal example of how I connected with people on LinkedIn during the quarantine. This led to meaningful conversations and the sharing of personal stories, further emphasizing the power of authenticity.

Aligning Personal Values with Professional Pursuits

We then delved into the concept of transformation and the importance of aligning personal values with professional pursuits. I shared stories of individuals who made intentional pivots in their lives to live a more authentic and purposeful existence. We also discussed the power of storytelling in owning one’s journey and empowering oneself.

Dr. Keith reflected on the discontent and lack of alignment that can arise when one’s true self is not reflected in their external achievements. I agreed and highlighted the importance of aligning one’s inner self with their external actions and achievements.

In conclusion, our conversation was a deep dive into the essence of leadership and authenticity. It was a reminder of the importance of reflection, writing, and aligning our inner selves with our external actions. I hope you find these insights as valuable as I did, and I encourage you to check out Dr. Keith McNally’s book, “Walking the Path: A Leader’s Journey,” for a more comprehensive exploration of these themes.

Our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist, he has conducted over 1500 video interviews of thought leaders for Sales POP! online sales magazine & YouTube Channel and for audio podcast channels where Sales POP! is rated in the top 2% of most popular shows out of 3,320,580 podcasts globally, ranked by Listen Score. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

About Author

Dr. McNally is a leadership coach specializing in facilitating discussions by bringing like-minded people together to create real impact. Dr. McNally launched two podcasts in the past two years: The Question Guy Podcast and Coach’s Corner. Whereas The Question Guy Podcast focuses on people’s stories of personal transformation, Coach’s Corner is a one-on-one conversation regarding his guests’ professional expertise. He is also the author of Walking the Path – A Leader’s Journey and the US Ambassador for Be Happy 4 Nothing, an international non-profit organization focused on improving the lives of millions by ensuring their basic need are met.


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