“I love my job, but let’s be real, I have to put bread on the table somehow. This app is really cool, it’s an automatic calculator for how much profit I’ll make on each deal. I create a proposal, and then plug the numbers from the proposal into the app, and then it tells me lots of useful metrics like profit margin, markup percentage, and more.”
Reviewer: Megan Hutton
Vendor Provided Information:
Profit Story is a calculator that allows users to calculate Sell Price, Cost Price, Gross Profit Margin, Markup and Break Even analysis for product pricing purposes using Unit and/or Case information.
Quickly see the impact of changing one measure on the other values.
– Calculate Case and Unit Cost Price
– Calculate Unit Sell Price
– Calculate Unit Gross Profit Dollars
– Calculate Case Gross Profit Dollars
– Calculate Profit Margin %
– Calculated Markup %
– Calculate Break Even %
– Compare Current Cost, Sell Price, Gross Profit Dollars, Profit Margin % and Markup %, with proposed new pricing information in the Break Even analysis
– Easy view of Margin/Markup and Unit Sell Price using an interactive Price Wheel
– Set defaults for standard information
– Email and/or Copy results for additional use of the information.