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Must Have Apps / Get Organized / December 2018

Morning Routine

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“I’ve always struggled to have a solid morning routine. Even when I do things that I would consider a helpful start to the day, like stretching, or watering my plants, I always futz around before actually doing them, and then I end up late for work or late getting started with my day. This app is really awesome because it tracks each thing that I want to do in the morning, and helps me stay on task. Plus it tracks my progress so I can see how well I’m committing. I feel more refreshed and am more productive throughout my day because of it. It started out as before work activities, but now I’ve included a morning routine for work that includes checking my email, writing a to-do list, and a few other things that would often get lost on the shuffle of my day.”

Reviewer: Alessio Conti 
Vendor Provided Information:
“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.” -Tony Robbins
The quality of your morning determines the rest of your day!

Make sure it is as productive and focused as possible.

Featured on Product Hunt : “Great Product! I find the mornings are a great time to make important decisions for the day”

Key features :
● Create unlimited habits

● No need to watch the screen anymore! Enable Siri in the settings and get voice instructions instead

● Apple Watch Extension

● Build unlimited routines : Night Routine, School Routine, Gym interval Workout etc (requires IAP)

● Daily reminders

● Select weekdays per routine – i.e. Monday to Friday or weekends

● Build, adjust and track your routines to create the best habits in your life

● Set a time for each task once and re-use every day

● NEW: Select automatic switch or manual switch to next habit (allows overtime)


The smart timer lets you know when to change from one activity to the other, even if your phone is locked, a notification will appear on your screen.


The most successful people in the world follow a morning routine that helps them focus on key activities and progress in life, to get to the top!


Check the stats for last week or last month using the stats.
You realise you skipped meditation for a month : you know exactly what change you need to make!

● You can easily prevent the screen to lock automatically (just for this app) so the timer is always visible with the current activity

● Decide whether you want the iPhone to warn you with a sound alert or a vibration, or both (look in the settings)

● No usage of 3G data : this app doesn’t need an internet connection. All data is saved on your phone and takes minimal space.

We recommend having your phone on Airplane mode to avoid distractions during your routine.


It is scientifically proven that completing small tasks gives great satisfaction and positive thinking, that leads to better and faster completion of the more important ones. This also largely increases productivity.


“Great idea and design. I try to be more effective in the morning but my time managment isn’t good. :)”

● “Super helpful. Love not having to think about order of my routine each day. Good work!”

● “I was one of the people who complained about the ugly design of the app. The redesign looks much better. ” (Thank you!)

If you have read books like The Miracle Morning, The Slight Edge, The Compound Effect but struggled to implement the action steps, and want a tool to help you track your time and habits + create new ones, this app was made for you!


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