There is no easy way to success, but if you will follow these ten tips you could be on a right way. Super successful sellers know that it’s crucial to put clients at first place, listen to them and show them that you care. But there is a lot more than that: 1. Put Your ...
In my last blog, I pointed out that today salespeople must be customer-centric: that is, placing the majority of focus on the buyer, their issues and needs instead of the seller’s product only. In this blog let’s discuss the need to be industry-specific in these efforts, and what that requires. So now we have a ...
Often the best mentors come from the most unlikely places. There are strong parallels between what Grandma does, the priorities she lives by, and the skills necessary to be a great sales leader. Here are 19 plays from Grandma’s playbook; you can decide what they mean to you. Grandma: 1. Is the matriarch. The family holds ...
The sale is closed, the check is in the mail, now what? Traditional sales wisdom suggests that a post sale follow-up emails are a must, but the wrong approach could undo your hard work. How can you avoid annoying or overstepping boundaries when you send a follow-up emails? Avoid these common errors and opt to be ...
In my last blog, I discussed how difficult building a sales team can be, especially for a startup. Your sales reps need to be entrepreneurial-minded (what I call salespreneurs) in order to help get the company truly off the ground and headed toward success. Now let’s take a look at how these salespreneurs should focus ...
Keeping in touch with your prospects after a sales call is more than just “touching base” or “checking in.” Here’s the deal. To keep sales momentum alive, you need to provide value on every interaction — even a quick follow-up call. That means you need to rethink your entire callback strategy. Here are three approaches ...
Tension is high, and anticipation is thick as the annual sales kickoff for DisruptaCorp begins. Employees at the young tech startup settle in their seats. Mobile devices are hurriedly silenced and stowed. Chatter dissolves into quiet. The CEO, Priya Neghandi, stands in front of the room alongside her VP of Business Development, Kelvin Wickersham. Without ...
In my last corporate role, I ran the Australian region for one of world’s biggest CRM software companies. It was my final role in a twenty-five year career working in the technology sector. Everywhere I worked I was always a ‘true believer’ in what I was selling – you have to be, to be successful. ...
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