Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
Hiring High Performance Sales Teams

Hiring High Performance Sales Teams

Sales Management / Sep 11, 2015 / Ken Thoreson

“If you can find good people, they can always change the product/service. Nearly every mistake I’ve made has been in picking the wrong people, not the wrong idea. Most entrepreneurs have no problem coming up with a good strategy, but they usually need all the help they can get in developing and implementing the tactics ... Read Post

10 Basic B2B Lead Generation Strategies

10 Basic B2B Lead Generation Strategies

Sales Professionals / Sep 7, 2015 / Jocelyne Nayet

Lead generation is a major factor in any B2B enterprise. Leads become opportunities, which become customers, which (if handled right) become repeat customers and referrers. Inbound and Outbound Leads fall under 2 major categories—inbound and outbound. Inbound leads are those caused by sources outside your company, such as blogs, referring websites, 3rd-party mentions, social media ... Read Post

What Sales Leaders Can Learn from Grandma

What Sales Leaders Can Learn from Grandma

Sales and Marketing / Sep 4, 2015 / Roy Osing

Often the best mentors come from the most unlikely places. There are strong parallels between what Grandma does, the priorities she lives by, and the skills necessary to be a great sales leader. Here are 19 plays from Grandma’s playbook; you can decide what they mean to you. Grandma: 1. Is the matriarch. The family holds ... Read Post

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