Twas the night before forecasts, when all thro’ the halls, Not a seller was stirring, no one was making those calls; Prospect lists were hung by the computer with care, In hopes that some orders would soon be there; Anxious Managers were nestled all snug in their rooms, Where visions of better predictions, and hitting ...
Sales and marketing professionals are so bombarded with data and information today we need technology to help us sort it all out. One powerful aid to that mission is visualization – simply because the mind processes visual data many times faster than written or verbal data. This makes sense. Going all the way back in ...
There are many important components that go to make up a worthwhile mobile app. But the most important component is…(drum roll please)…the user interface, known to most everyone today as the UI. Very obviously, with a mobile app, you’re quite limited as to viewable screen space. A potential user will glance at it, and if ...
Ask for Advocacy: Why Sales Referrals are Important Sales referrals are one of the best ways to get new outbound leads and potential clients. The lead comes from someone that you already know rapport with. Some of this rapport and trust is transferred to the new relationship, allowing you to close the deal faster. However, ...
Much has been written on how organizations can engage their employees more successfully and create a competitive advantage. The advice offered tends to be of a programming nature: company-wide initiatives promulgated from above that all functions “down below” are expected to participate in. My 33+ years of leadership experience suggests a different way of looking ...
Copywriting is among the most underestimated professions out there, and there’s no secret that the significance of a well-crafted web copy is severely underestimated as well. It takes lots of insight to write a copy that will be enticing to the readers but will also contain a strong call to action, which will motivate them ...
We’re all aware of the unique challenges faced by sales teams in complex enterprise account pursuits. As opposed to opportunities with smaller accounts, enterprise deals present much more frustrating pains and complexities to selling organizations. Long sales cycles, wide buyer networks, and highly capable competitors are just a few of the obstacles that must be ...
When people think of cold calling, they often get the image of a salesperson from yesteryear dialing random phone numbers out of a phone book. With this idea of cold calling, it’s easy to dismiss it as dead worthless. But in reality, cold calling has transformed over the years and is one of the most ...
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