J.R.R. Tolkien, in his children’s fantasy "The Hobbit," makes this excellent point: “It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.” In other words, it is important to know the lay of the land when planning an excursion—of any sort. This includes social media campaign planning.
In our latest post on the Dimensions of Trade, we now move into the 4th dimension: the mobile society. It is a change that is still in progress, but we see more and more evidence of it every day.
Social media will not sell for you, it will not compensate for your shortcomings as a salesperson, and it will not allow you to abandon all the hard work and preparation that distinguishes a successful salesperson from an also ran.
Trade plays a key role in sales, and it is of great benefit for anyone engaged in any level of sales to learn the fundamentals of trade. It is also of great benefit to understand how trade has evolved–for every evolution in trade has had a profound impact on sales. Like any endeavor, trade has ...
People tend to hold the notion that salespeople are “born.” That’s a myth. Here’s the reality: There’s no such thing as a “born salesperson.” People are born one of two things: a baby boy or a baby girl. Salespeople are made. They are made through trial and error, commitment and an unwavering dedication to learning ...
21 page corners turned over! For those past readers of this blog and my book reviews you know that is an excellent rating. For those of you that are new, whenever I read a new book, I read it with a pen in hand and I fold over the corners of those pages with high ...
It is of great benefit for anyone engaged in any level of sales to learn the fundamentals of trade. It is also of great benefit to understand how trade has evolved--for every evolution in trade has had a profound impact on sales.
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