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Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez

Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez is the world’s leading champion of Project Management and Strategy Implementation. He is the creator of concepts such as the Hierarchy of Purpose, or the Project Manifesto; which argues that projects are the lingua franca of the business and personal worlds from the C-suite to managing your career or relationships.

Author's Publications on Amazon

Are you struggling to juggle multiple projects? Do you often lose control of your budget? Does communicating your progress to the rest of your team cause you undue stress? Project management is an essential skill for anyone who needs to get things done in any…
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In The Focused Organization Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez shows you how fewer, more effectively elected and managed projects are the key to strategic and long-term success. Using his own research and work experience he explains how and why those organizations that focus on just a few key…
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Imagine a world in which most projects – personal, social, corporate, organizational and governmental – are successfully accomplished. That is the purpose and the reason for writing this book.There is work to be done. Only a select few projects deliver their purpose, meet their expected…
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