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Sales Success: The One Decision You Must Make to Get There
Blog / For Sales Pros / Jun 19, 2017 / Posted by Colleen Stanley / 8943

Sales Success: The One Decision You Must Make to Get There


There are many factors that contribute to sales success. But it all begins with one single decision: to become masterful, not average, in sales.

There may be professions in which it serves to be average–but sales is really and truly not one of them. The average salesperson must experience the consistent agony of hitting a quota one month, but missing it the next–all because the sales rep hasn’t mastered selling skills and business development. Beyond that, the average salesperson only ends up working with and servicing average clients, because great clients only work with great salespeople. The average salesperson has never invested the time in becoming expert in their business or industry. And the bottom line: average salespeople might earn enough…but not ENOUGH.

Why not decide to become masterful at sales and influence this year?

To help you along in becoming masterful, here are a few steps:

  1. Apply the emotional intelligence skill of self-awareness. Conduct a personal SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis on yourself. Take inventory of your current skills, both soft and hard ones. Conduct a win-loss analysis and identify patterns of how and where you are losing sales. Ask your boss or trusted colleague to share what they see as your strengths and weaknesses. Research shows that people think they are better at things than they are. Illuminate your blind spots with outside perspective.
  2. After taking inventory, take action. Look at everything!
  • Time Management – Nothing happens unless you get control of your time. But how? Sign up for a time-management or productivity course. Ask your highly productive colleagues how they set up and manage their week.
  • Lead Generation — How clear are you on your ideal client? Without clarity, you probably are meeting with and talking to anyone. This is a major waste of time and a surefire way to create a sales pipeline full of prospects that are never going to buy.

Look at your value propositions. This basic selling tool is used with any type of prospecting activity. Do you have value propositions customized for each industry and buying influence that you call on? Do you have value propositions developed around each of your lines of business?

Here’s a simple fact: Generic value propositions put you in the not-relevant, you-don’t-get my-business vendor bucket. Game over.

  • Sales process – Let’s start at the beginning. How well do you score on the likeability factor? A basic skill in likeability is connecting with a variety of personality styles. If you aren’t able to read who you are in front of and adjust the conversation, it’s going to be a one-time sales call. Prospects have too many choices and don’t need to work with someone that irritates them.

Maybe you’ve got likeability down, but your questioning skills are weak. Improve your pre-call planning process. Better questions lead to better answers. Thought-provoking questions position you as a trusted advisor, not just some sales robot running through a list of logistics questions, i.e., how many locations and employees do you have? Or worse, a product dump that is disguised as a sales call. And please stop asking, “How does that make you feel?”

  • Presentation skills – I don’t care if you are presenting your solutions in a one-on-one setting or in a formal one. A lot of salespeople screw up this step of the sales process. Their presentations are boring, generic and self-centered.

Let’s say you’ve done a good job of discovering the problems of a prospect, as well as their goals. It’s now time to present your creative solutions. You come to the closing meeting and start boring your prospect with details about your company that have nothing to do with solving their problems or achieving their goals. “We’ve been around for 100 years. We have a deep bench of expertise that will be working on your account.” The prospect is sitting there thinking, ”How does that help me eliminate my problem or achieve my goals?”

A great solutions presentation is comprised of stories that support the solution. For complicated solutions, the presentation includes analogies and metaphors to increase understanding. If you have an analytical buyer, you have infused meaningful statistics and research to support your recommendation.

In 2009, Warren Buffett told Columbia University business students that they could improve their value by 50 percent by learning communication skills, such as public speaking.

Those are just a few areas to examine in your personal SWOT analysis. But let’s go back to the start: The first step is to decide to become masterful at sales and influence. It’s time to leave behind amateur-hour average skills and step up to the big leagues.

Good Selling!

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About Author

Colleen Stanley is the author of Emotional Intelligence For Sales Success, and Growing Great Sales Teams. She is an international sales keynote speaker and has been recognized as one of the Top 50 Sales Bloggers in the world for the last 3 years. She is also the creator of the Ei Selling® System.

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