“Skill pill has been a great tool. As a sales manager, I’m always looking for resources to send my sales staff to help them learn new techniques or keep up to date with trends in the sales world. These videos are awesome, and I’ve taken to sending out one per week through email. They save me time hunting through websites for valueable content, I know that I can go to this app and find the kind of information I’m looking for.”
Reviewer: Raihan Boyce
Vendor Provided Information:
Skill Pill provides animated learning that can be viewed on the go, whenever you need it.
To use the Skill Pill app, you must first have an account. Please visit www.skillpill.com for more information.
This app is compatible with existing Skill Pill accounts, and allows you to view your library of content on your phone, save favourites to watch at a later date, receive push notifications and refresh your memory on key learning points.
Several short videos covering key business concepts are supplied free with this application for users that do not already have a Skill Pill account.