Communication has a very interesting history. When laid out in four separate dimensions, as I will do here, it can be seen how radically mobile communications has affected our civilization. First Dimension: Ancient Trade If we go back to the beginning of mankind’s history, people were nomads. Then some stopped moving about and put down ...
It’s frustrating when sales don’t close. If deals don’t close as often as you believe they should assess why and fix it so you can accelerate results. Ask yourself these 6 questions to help pinpoint why sales may not be closing. 1. Is this prospect the right kind of prospect? Perhaps you were too broad ...
There is still far too much “guess” in work today and when it comes to sales, guesswork can take on very creative and almost artful forms. You might argue that in the era of big data, guesswork should be a thing of the past but here’s the thing; big data has gotten pretty conflated with ...
It’s the time of the year when we take a few moments to stand still, think about our path through the recent past, evaluate what went well and what went wrong and are thankful for the bright moments in our life. We begin thinking on how to best plan for the upcoming year. It’s also ...
It boggles the mind to hear people suggest there is only one way to tackle a situation. Even worse is when they take the long journey for reaching goals versus seeking out the most direct route. The issue is similar to using the perimeter of a square versus taking the diagonal. If we believe that ...
You may not realize it—or the fact may have snuck up on you while you weren’t looking—but today there are far more smartphones out there than computers. There are currently an estimated 3 billion smartphones in use globally. Just to show the comparison, in 2017, the percentage of smartphone users accessing the internet was 63%, ...
Have you ever had an sales opportunity that you worked on for a time but ultimately went quiet on you? Or a lead that seemed hot and then suddenly went cold? Of course you have, this is the nature of sales. You also most likely have had that wonderful moment went one these leads or ...
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