6 Tactics to Motivate, Track and Reward Virtual Based Sales Teams In the current war for talent, the opportunity to work virtually is consistently listed as one of the primary things that top talent considers when evaluating opportunities. There is no question that the highest impact move a company can make when looking for people ...
Let’s Get Disruptive A term thrown around for the last several years is “disruptive.” In business, it means innovation that disrupts existing markets, displaces established market leaders and creates an entirely new market. A fantastic example of disruption is Apple and its creation and release of the iPod. It was a complete change in the ...
We can all agree that insurance is an essential part of car ownership. Protecting all of your valuable things against damage and theft can save you a lot of time and money. This peace of mind still costs money. It’s clear that different people pay different rates for their insurance, so let’s look at some ...
A company that has a great sales process is one that leaves the customer feeling that they were not being sold to, but were being provided with a service that was both valuable and personally beneficial to them. The sales processes function is to ensure the customer has a positive experience, it`s also a reflection ...
If sales were allowed to set prices, everyone could benefit. Many would argue that empowering sales to set prices is an insane proposition. After all, marketing is responsible for the price of a product and sales are expected to sell it at that price. And if sales had their way they would typically sell at ...
The world of tech is quickly changing as market preferences evolve. Each year, a new product comes along and gets everyone’s attention, only to get sidelined by another more advanced offering from a competitor. Indeed, this is how the tech market works. Startups that have just entered the arena are in for a real challenge ...
Customer experience is where business battles are taking place in 2020. CRM has become a quintessential component of modern businesses because consumers demand full focus and maximum level of personalization. According to the recent Frost & Sullivan study, customer experience is projected to overtake price and product as a key brand differentiator in 2020. This ...
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