Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
Why Introverts Can Make Great Salespeople
For Sales Pros / Aug 29, 2024 / John Golden

Why Introverts Can Make Great Salespeople

Why Introverts Can Make Great Salespeople When you think of a successful salesperson, you might envision someone who is outgoing, charismatic, and naturally extroverted. However, that stereotype overlooks some of the unique strengths that introverts bring to the game. As a matter of fact, selling suits an introverted population well, with a fair number of ... Read Post

Philosophy of Pipeliner CRM

Philosophy of Pipeliner CRM

All About CRM / Jun 27, 2013 / Nikolaus Kimla

The Austrian School has played only a negligible role in its country of origin but has enjoyed unbroken popularity in the United States since the 1970s with the work of Friedrich August von Hayek, Israel M. Kirzner, Murray Rothbard and especially Ludwig von Mises. The Austrians are central to the philosophy of Pipeliner CRM, because ... Read Post

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and Sales Management

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and Sales Management

For Sales Pros / Jun 21, 2013 / Nikolaus Kimla

CRM (customer relationship management) has a direct relationship to sales management. But unless a customer relationship management system is flexible, intuitive and implemented in the right way, sales management will not be able to benefit from it. Sales Management is A Tough Job Sales management is already a difficult assignment. They’re not trying to manage ... Read Post

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and Sales Process

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and Sales Process

Sales Management / Jun 20, 2013 / Todd Martin

A CRM (customer relationship management) application provides enormous benefit for a company. It is quite literally the interface between an enterprise and its public—and its effectiveness can spell the difference between a business’ success and failure. But underlying the success of the CRM is another vital basic element: the sales process. Without an established sales ... Read Post

Pipeline Management: A Self-Sustaining Success

Pipeline Management: A Self-Sustaining Success

For Sales Pros / Jun 19, 2013 / Nikolaus Kimla

As discussed in many sales forums, articles and blogs these days (including our recent articles), pipeline management—also known as the sales process—is vital to sales and company expansion. Laying out the separate steps of the sales process and making sure they are followed is the only way of bringing control to sales, both for the ... Read Post

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