S. Sterling Company of Atlanta, Georgia is a sales and distribution firm representing electrical component suppliers to U.S. vehicle and equipment manufacturers throughout a 14-state region including the South, Southeast, and Midwest. The company represents highly engineered products to vehicle manufacturers from recreational to heavy-duty. Clients include Airstream, Volvo Construction Equipment, Blue Bird Body Co., ...
As a stylist and coach I get asked all the time: “Catherine, what should I wear to sales and business meetings”. I love answering questions about style in business; however, this is an issue that goes deeper than wearing the right shirt or jacket. How many times have you found yourself trying to make a ...
Editor’s Note: Today we welcome Bill Carmody to our blogging community. I first noticed Bill’s crisp, direct, and useful sales outlook on LinkedIn, and immediately approached him to contribute to the Pipeliner sales blog. He and his team are impressive, both in their passion and in their curiosity. This is the first (of many!) posts ...
Black Book For Industry Conferences, Conventions, and In-Person Events ‘Tis the season for conferences! (But don’t go on your trek unprepared when you can take our practical and info-packed ebook with you!) That’s right — we’ve put together a great resource for you. Four seasoned attendees share their top techniques and tips for getting the most out of ...
A new medical device salesperson emailed us last week interested in one-on-one coaching. We talked and learned that he wasn’t interested in working on sales skills, sales strategy, or even sales presentations. Fortunately, the salesperson had a sales manager who was helping in those areas. What he was interested in was this: How should I ...
Have you noticed how many things are dead these days? Cold calling is dead. Outbound marketing is dead. Many say that even marketing as a whole is dead. I grew up during a time when it seemed like a lot of things were dead: Paul was dead. (The rumor in 1969 was that if you ...
What is TRIZ, you ask? TRIZ is a tool developed by a Soviet inventor and science fiction writer, Genrich Altshuller, in 1946. The English translation of the Russian term is “theory of inventive problem-solving.” Altshuller and his colleagues studied thousands of inventions in many fields and detected patterns in the way inventive solutions happen, and ...
There has been a dramatic shift in the way buyers perceive and interact with salespeople — as any sales manager will know. The Harvard Business Review has spoken – it’s “the End of Solution Sales.” If you’ve adjusted your strategies and sales process accordingly, you’re ensuring success. If you haven’t, perhaps you’ve seen sales performance suffering. ...
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