Editor’s Note: As part of our ongoing Sales Innovators Interview series, we are very pleased to include video interviews of eminent sales leaders by Andy Paul. Andy is a sales acceleration expert and sales strategist, and is the author of the best-selling sales books, Amp Up Your Sales: Powerful Strategies That Move Customers to Make ...
The story goes like this…elite golfer Gary Player was at the height of his playing prowess and pulled off another brilliant shot in what was an extremely impressive round of gold even by his standards. A sports reporter suggests to the golfer how lucky that shot was, to which Gary Player replied …”funny you should ...
A sales manager faces many daily frustrations in sorting through and figuring out all the risks that must be estimated, taken and not taken. A large part of the reason for this frustration is that a sales team is made up all kinds of divergent elements. You have everything from sales superstars to mediocre salespeople, ...
I’ve recently become aware that there is an insidious virus running rampant through businesses. Perhaps even your company is infected with it. Read the following scenario and see if it sounds like your place of business. It’s Monday morning and you’re having your regular “get the week off to a good start” sales meeting. You and your ...
A company is built of people. From person to person, company risk tolerance varies greatly. It runs the total gamut from the person that is so risk-averse that they go into anxiety every time they leave home, all the way to the person that will dive headfirst and go all in on any deal. The ...
A Japanese CEO of a manufacturing company was once asked how far into the future the company’s sales strategy was planned. His answer was, “Five hundred years.” While planning a strategy that will guide a company for the next five hundred years is a little long for most CEOs, it does point to an important ...
Let’s face it: the ability to target and sell directly to decision-makers is basically the Holy Grail. We build email strategies for it, wade knee-deep into profoundly uninteresting LinkedIn groups for it, and buy list after list hoping that the info we get is current enough to at least get the scent of who and ...
I was working recently with a client at the moment that provides brilliant cloud solutions with a compelling business case. When I asked what their biggest challenges were they said: “Many in the sales team can’t seem to close… they want better closing techniques.” Here’s the thing I’ve learned from three decades in the trenches: ...
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