How to avoid the three mistakes salespeople make in the early stages of the sales cycle The sales cycle is the process that salespeople follow to generate leads, qualify prospects, and close deals. It is a complex process with many different stages, but the early stages are arguably the most important. This is where you ...
Let’s be honest, accounting isn’t exactly glamorous. As an entrepreneur, you want to pour your energy into your brilliant product and delighting customers. But skimping on financial management can sink promising young companies. Partnering with an expert accounting firm can help startups build a foundation for success. Experienced CPAs handle the necessities like taxes, cash ...
Coming to the final article in our series on sales ethics, let’s now cover its most practical aspect: sales ethics characteristics. Basics of Character I previously wrote an ebook, Who Are You? The Critical Role of Character in a New Era of Sales explores this subject in depth. I highly recommend you read it. This ...
During economic downturns or recessions, connecting with buyers at the beginning of their decision-making process can be a significant challenge. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of comprehending buyer personas, their priorities, success factors, perceived barriers, decision criteria, and the complex journey they undertake. Jim Kraus: The Voice of Experience At ...
As we approach the end of another selling year, emotions and stack rankings often get in our way, clouding our better judgment regarding deals. In efforts to secure a big win that will put us over 100% for the year, we’re often tempted to cut corners. Cutting corners, of course, often means cutting our prices ...
Continuing our series on sales ethics, we now pose the question: when dealing with sales ethics—or ethics in any field, for that matter—should we operate on values or principles? Values Often, principles and values are confused. Values are not the same as principles, for values are contextualized. For example, there is an old account from ...
One of the most important steps in launching a company is deciding on a legal framework. Your decision may significantly affect your business and your personal finances. Taxes, liability, and other considerations are all influenced by a company’s organizational structure. In this post, we’ll look at five ways in which your company’s structure might protect ...
A Journey of Empowerment in Sales Leadership In a world where equality and diversity are at the forefront of discussions, the realm of sales is no exception. Empowering women in sales leadership positions is not just a matter of justice; it’s also a key driver of revenue growth and innovation. In this article, we’ll delve ...
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