Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
TV Expert Interviews / Leadership / Oct 12, 2020 / Posted by Tracey Grove / 2762

Taming the Sabertooth: Resilient Leadership in a Stressful World (video)


How do we find courage and grace when dealing with ambiguity and change? In this Expert Insight Interview, Tracey Grove discusses her new book, Taming the Sabertooth: Resilient Leadership in a Stressful World. Tracey Grove is an owner of Pure Symmetry Coaching and Consulting, and resilience expert, author, speaker, and coach for individuals and organizations.

The interview discusses:

  • Finding courage and grace
  • Practicing gratitude

Find Courage and Grace

We maybe couldn’t control or stop so many things that happened this year, but we can choose the mindset and energy that we put into overcoming those challenges. When dealing with a challenging situation, people either fight it out, freeze, or most commonly want to run and hide. But the truth is, life is hard, and we need the courage to fight and go through it. Millennials and newer generations have been so protected and cuddled mostly by their parents that those generations are more prone to depression and less capable of accepting the failure in any form. Yet, failure is a pillar of success because we learn from it and grow later. We need to embrace the loss and consequences and take accountability for our actions. It is in human nature to blame everyone but us. Taking responsibility for our actions liberates us because we accepted the situation, and now we can choose to change it. There will always be someone better, smarter, quicker, but that does not lessen your achievement. Your real competition is with your inner you, and not with the rest of the world.

Practice Gratitude

Social media and the so-called “selfie” culture contributed to the rise of a new trend in society where everybody is a narcissist and obsessed with comparison to the others. We also feel like we are in some race and always late, so we multitask. But, when we multitask, we lower our IQ in those moments and decrease our productivity. We give attention to too many unimportant things that we forget to be present in our real-life sometimes. We should focus more on things that make us feel grateful. We all have good people and good things happening in our lives, but we still choose to focus all our energy on the wrong things. For instance, many people should be grateful for being able to work from home during the pandemic. Also, people forget that being able to get up from the bed in the morning is a reason enough to start your day with gratitude. Once when we shift our energy on the real things that we can be grateful for, we automatically shift our mindset to be more optimistic as well.

Our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist, he has conducted over 1500 video interviews of thought leaders for Sales POP! online sales magazine & YouTube Channel and for audio podcast channels where Sales POP! is rated in the top 2% of most popular shows out of 3,320,580 podcasts globally, ranked by Listen Score. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

About Author

Tracey Grove is an internationally recognized resilience expert, author, speaker, and coach, guiding individuals and organizations to achieve optimal resilience. She’s the owner of Pure Symmetry Coaching and Consulting, where she helps her clients with executive communications, personal brand development, public speaking, and becoming better leaders.

Author's Publications on Amazon

In 'Taming the Sabertooth', we are reminded that while we cannot necessarily change our environment, we do have the power to shift our response to that environment by building resilience.
Buy on Amazon

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