Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity

Trish Bertuzzi

Trish is president of The Bridge Group, and promotes inside sales as an engine for revenue growth. She and her company have worked with over 200 B2B clients, and have been featured on, in Forbes, by associations like SLMA and AA-ISP, and across more than 68 other sales and marketing sites.

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Raise your hand if your company needs more new customers. I suspect your hand is (figuratively) up. This book is about not just growth, but high-growth, explosive-growth, the kind of growth that weather satellites can see from space. The success of any business-to-business company is…
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Sales Hack is a co-authored series of sales hacks by 25 of the greatest sales professionals of our time. A "Sales Hack" is a solution discovered when a Sales Hacker thinks outside of the box, disregards the rules, and finds something new that changes the…
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