Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧  The Art of Persuasion and Influence

🎧 The Art of Persuasion and Influence

In this podcast episode, host John Golden and expert Tony Perzow explore the nuanced realms of negotiation, persuasion, and influence, emphasizing ethical practice and authenticity. They discuss the psychological underpinnings of persuasion, the importance of generosity, and the power of scarcity and authenticity in becoming influential. The conversation also addresses mental health, the stigma associated with it, and the need for compassion in both personal and professional settings. Tony shares a personal anecdote about his son to illustrate these points. The episode concludes with Tony’s vision for revolutionizing corporate workshops to include vulnerability and personal growth activities.

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🎧  Navigating the Sales Landscape in 2024

🎧 Navigating the Sales Landscape in 2024

In this podcast episode, John Golden interviews David Brock, a sales consultant and author, about the challenges in sales for 2024. They discuss the decline in sales performance, attributing it to factors like COVID-19, burnout, economic pressures, and poor company culture. David emphasizes the importance of culture and human connection in sales, and shares his optimism for improving the profession. The episode concludes with a mention of David’s upcoming book and his work at his consulting company, Partners in Excellence.

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🎧 Harnessing the Transformative Impact of Storytelling in Sales

🎧 Harnessing the Transformative Impact of Storytelling in Sales

Today, I want to share with you an incredible journey of resilience, innovation, and the art of storytelling from my recent podcast episode. I had the pleasure of interviewing Akeem Shannon, the entrepreneur behind the consumer brand Flipstick, which has made waves through Shark Tank, the Today Show, and major retailers nationwide.

Akeem’s story is nothing short of inspirational. After losing his college scholarship, he faced numerous challenges but never lost sight of his entrepreneurial dreams. He became a top sales professional at two Fortune 500 companies. However, his leap into entrepreneurship with the founding of Flipstick truly showcased his tenacity and vision.

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🎧  Effective Outbound Sales Strategies for 2024

🎧 Effective Outbound Sales Strategies for 2024

In this podcast episode, John Golden interviews Donald Kelly, a sales influencer and professional, on the topic of outbound sales strategies for 2024. Donald emphasizes the importance of outbound sales for scaling businesses and discusses the challenges posed by the current noisy digital environment. He advocates for a personalized and human-centered approach to engaging with prospects, particularly on LinkedIn, and advises against immediate sales pitches. Instead, he suggests building rapport and offering value before transitioning to email pitches. Donald also shares insights on his own experiences with outbound strategies and his work with TSC Studios and the Sales Evangelist podcast. John Golden commends Donald’s thorough approach and encourages listeners to consider his methods for improving their own sales outreach.

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🎧 Maximizing Sales with Intent Data and Storytelling

🎧 Maximizing Sales with Intent Data and Storytelling

In this podcast episode, John Golden from Sales POP! Online Sales Magazine and Pipeline CRM talk with marketing consultant Zack from Think Alike Media about the strategic use of intent data and storytelling in sales outreach. Zack advocates for a personalized, multi-channel approach, focusing on building trust and understanding the prospect’s problems. They discuss the effectiveness of story-driven emails and the importance of authenticity and social proof. Zack shares a success story of a six-figure deal from a year-old email, highlighting the power of engagement over time. The episode emphasizes the value of long-term relationships in business-to-business sales and concludes with an invitation to explore Think Alike Media.

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🎧  Understanding Emotions in Sales

🎧 Understanding Emotions in Sales

Understanding emotions is crucial in sales and business interactions. In this fascinating podcast episode, we talk with Dan Seidman, Managing Director of Reading Emotions. Dan explains the science behind the seven universal emotions – happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, anger, surprise, and contempt – and how recognizing these can provide a significant advantage in sales conversations. We discuss the practical applications of emotional intelligence in traditional sales settings and today’s digital, remote work environments.

Dan highlights the comprehensive resources available on the Reading Emotions website, praising it as a more accessible and engaging way to learn about this topic than dense academic books. Throughout our conversation, we explore the transformative power of emotional intelligence and its potential to revolutionize how we connect with clients, colleagues, and the world around us. Tune in for valuable insights and an invitation to embark on your journey of emotional awareness.

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🎧 Sell Smarter, Not Harder: Simplifying the Sales Process

🎧 Sell Smarter, Not Harder: Simplifying the Sales Process

Sales Simplified: Authenticity and Advice Lead the Way

Is your sales approach complex and overwhelming? Join John Golden and Bob Marsh, sales veterans, as they discuss simplifying the process, embracing authenticity, and guiding customers through decisions.

Today’s buyers are bombarded with information, making clear communication crucial. Bob Marsh emphasizes the salesperson’s role in simplifying the decision-making process and guiding customers with ease and clarity.

Buyers crave more than information; they desire genuine connections and expert advice. John Golden explains how salespeople can transform into trusted advisors, acting as a guiding light in the face of information overload.

Bob Marsh shares the “fist bump” strategy, involving higher-level executives to provide reassurance and commitment, addressing the emotional aspect of high-stakes B2B decisions.

Building Trust: The Power of Authenticity

John and Bob emphasize the growing demand for authenticity in the business world. Scripted approaches fall flat; they advocate for genuine conversations and building trust through honesty and sincere interest.

Confidence and Belief: Fueling Sales Success

Confidence, belief in the product, and a genuine desire to understand customer needs are key ingredients for success, as John and Bob agree. They contrast this with negativity and fear of rejection, highlighting the importance of a positive mindset.

Bob shares the importance of active listening and understanding customer needs through real conversations. Sales training, he believes, should focus on this skill, along with effective communication, confidence, and clear presentation.

John adds that intellectual curiosity is vital to engaging in insightful conversations with customers. By taking genuine interest in their business and industry, salespeople can learn from them and foster deeper connections.

By embracing simplicity, authenticity, and the role of a trusted advisor. Salespeople can pave the way for a successful and fulfilling journey. As Bob Marsh and John Golden clearly demonstrate.

Visit us on Apple Podcast You can also find SalesPOP! on all major podcast stations.

🎧 How Can Sales Enablement Drive Revenue Growth Across the Customer Journey?

🎧 How Can Sales Enablement Drive Revenue Growth Across the Customer Journey?

In this podcast episode, host John Golden and guest Paul Butterfield discuss the transition from the Sales Enablement Society to the Revenue Enablement Society. Butterfield highlights the importance of focusing on the entire customer journey and the need for collaboration between different departments to ensure customer success. They discuss the necessity of effective communication with customers post-sales and the importance of offering a buying experience focused on business needs. The speakers agree that creating the best customer experience requires constant monitoring and tweaking of the sales process, emphasizing active listening and curiosity as essential skills.

Visit us on Apple Podcast You can also find SalesPOP! on all major podcast stations.

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