Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity

Tom Pisello

Tom Pisello is a thought leader and author on sales and marketing effectiveness, as well as a serial entrepreneur. He is well known from his videos, blog posts, and newsletter as “the ROI Guy.” Tom is the Founder of the Evolved Selling Institute and currently Chief Evangelist for Mediafly, a leading sales enablement solution provider.

Author's Publications on Amazon

This book on "Evolved Selling" is designed to help you navigate from pitch to purpose, highlighting the best path, and illuminating the dangers so you can survive the process, stronger and better. With this guide, you will be able to reshape your content marketing and…
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"The Frugalnomics Survival Guide" is designed to help you navigate from pitching products to marketing and selling with value, fueling your expedition, highlighting the best path, and illuminating the dangers so you can survive the journey. With this guide you will be able to reshape…
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