Expert Interviews / Nov 20, 2021
Susan R. Madsen
Dr. Susan R. Madsen speaks, coaches, writes and consults around topics related to developing and advancing women as leaders. Her passion is to facilitate opportunities for women to thrive. Her mission is to unleash their influence in business, education, government, politics, and communities.
Author's Publications on Amazon
This book focuses on the lifetime development of ten strong, competent, and fascinating women governors. It details the commonalities and perspectives of ten women on their own personal journeys in developing leadership throughout childhood, youth, young adulthood, and adulthood.
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This book is about preparing women-specifically teens and young adults to become leaders. No matter where you are on life's path, it will motivate, educate, challenge, and propel you forward in your journey to influence in righteous ways.
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'Gender, Communication, and the Leadership Gap' is the sixth volume in the 'Women and Leadership: Research, Theory, and Practice' series. The purpose of this volume is to highlight connections between the fields of communication and leadership to help address the problem of underrepresentation of women…
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'Gender, Media, and Organization: Challenging Mis(s)Representations of Women Leaders and Managers' is the fourth volume in the 'Women and Leadership: Research, Theory, and Practice' series. This volume addresses the lack of critical attention in leadership research to how women leaders and professionals are represented in…
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'The Handbook of Research on Gender and Leadership' will appeal to scholars and advanced students in leadership and entrepreneurship. It will be essential reading for leadership coaches, practitioners, and business people, particularly those who facilitate leadership programs for women.
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'More Women on Boards: An International Perspective' is the seventh volume in the 'Women and Leadership: Research, Theory, and Practice' book series. The purpose of this volume is to explore the complexity of issues related to increasing the number of women on boards of directors…
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Based on years of research, this book provides an analysis of the data gathered from extensive interviews with university presidents. Each of these women offers candid information about their lifelong journey to becoming a leader.
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'Theorizing Women and Leadership: New Insights and Contributions from Multiple Perspectives' is the fifth volume in the 'Women and Leadership: Research, Theory, and Practice' series. The purpose of this volume is to provide a forum for women to theorize about women’s leadership in multiple ways…
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'Women and Leadership around the World' is the third volume in a new series of books (Women and Leadership: Research, Theory, and Practice). The purpose of this volume is to explore areas of women’s leadership in four regions around the world: the Middle East, Europe,…
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'Women and Leadership in Higher Education' is the first volume in 'Women and Leadership: Research, Theory, and Practice' series of books. This volume focuses on the field of higher education, particularly within the context of the United States—a sector that serves a majority of students…
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'Women as Global Leaders' is the second volume in the new 'Women and Leadership: Research, Theory, and Practice' book series. The purpose of this volume is to provide the reader with current conceptualizations and theories related to women as global leaders, recent empirical investigations of…
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This volume brings together research from leading scholars with stories from women leaders in diverse sectors to provide insights from their leadership journeys.
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