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Mary Kelly

Mary Kelly is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy and spent over 20 years on active duty in intelligence and logistics. She has masters’ degrees in history and economics, and a PhD in economics. She has extensive experience in business coaching, management, economics, finance, banking, insurance, real estate, government, organizational leadership, communication, business growth, teamwork, strategic planning, human resources, customer service, time management, and project development.

Author's Publications on Amazon

In "15 Ways to Grow Your Business in Every Economy," a renowned economist, speaker and leadership expert Mary C. Kelly, PhD covers 15 ways to assist business owners in more effective marketing, enhanced productivity, and achieving greater profits all the time.
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For the price of one nice dinner, you’ll have access to over 50 forms that keep you moving in the right direction. Each new day, you’ll tackle challenges like employee engagement, business planning, conflict resolution and more. Everything you’ve been looking for is right in…
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For business people who already have a business, the award-winning book, 15 Ways to Grow Your Business in Every Economy, also by Mary Kelly is a helpful resource.
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With real-world, honest and funny examples, this book tells you how to: Gain the respect of your employees and peers; Motivate your workplace, whether you are in charge or not; Improve profits with fewer resources; Coalesce your workforce into a real, functional team; Handle problem…
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This essential guidebook simplifies the process and gives you the tools you need to build and activate your leadership succession. You’ll find a comprehensive action plan, a library of all the tools needed to develop and sustain your plan, and a resource guide.
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Whether you're in your first year of management or your 20th, 'Why Leaders Fail' is a must-read for aspiring leaders who know they need to be constantly learning, improving, and developing their leadership skills.
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