Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity

Julie Hansen

Julie Hansen helps salespeople craft and deliver presentations that engage and persuade today’s busy decision-makers. Julie is the author of Sales Presentations for Dummies and Act  Like a Sales Pro! She is the founder of Performance Sales and Training, offering sales presentation workshops.

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Act Like a Sales Pro was a finalist for TOP SALES AND MARKETING BOOK OF 2011 and featured on the cover of Ken Blanchard's Sales and Service Excellence Magazine and Julie Hansen's articles have appeared across the globe.Acting is the ultimate form of persuasion. Now…
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Are your sales presentations stuck in the 20th century? Sales Presentations For Dummies rises to the challenge of guiding you through the process of engaging and persuading busy buyers in a world that's constantly bombarding them with sales pitches. Motivating today's buyers to pull the…
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