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Evan Carmichael

Evan Carmichael believes in entrepreneurs. At 19, he built then sold a biotech software company. At 22, he was a venture capitalist helping to raise $500,000 to $15 million. He now runs, a popular website for entrepreneurs. He breathes and bleeds entrepreneurship. He's obsessed, aiming to help one billion entrepreneurs and change the world.

Author's Publications on Amazon

Learn from Leaders, Visionaries, & Trailblazers the skills, physiology, and motivation needed to walk into any situation with confidence. “Evan consumes so much content and then knows how to DJ it to inspire people.” - Gary Vaynerchuk
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Your powerful companion to go from just watching another video to actually taking action in your life. Watch a video, take notes, answer the 3 Point Landing Questions, and start to see your life move in the direction you’ve been waiting for. This is your…
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Once you find your purpose it’ll fuel you for life you’ll do things that you never thought you were capable of. Achieving your purpose will force you to morph into a stronger version of yourself. You’ll have to push through fears, insecurities, and doubts that…
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For decades Evan has researched the deepest wisdom from hundreds of elite entrepreneurs and celebrities. This book distills their advice into pure success. He first began The Top 10 Rules series on his YouTube channel. He wanted to wake up every morning surrounded by greatness,…
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In this bold and empowering guide, entrepreneur and social media sensation Evan Carmichael shares the secret to turbo-charging your path to success on your own terms. With thought-provoking questions and inspiring, instructive examples, Your One Word will help you nail down your personal mottos -…
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