Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity

Carl Gould

Carl Gould is a worldwide leading authority on business and entrepreneurship. His company, 7 Stage Advisors helps organizations grow to the next level. He is an entrepreneur who built three multi-million dollar businesses by age 40.

Author's Publications on Amazon

'Biz Dev Done Right' is devoted to helping business owners, sales VPs, and sellers uncover and manage the blind spots in the sales process that keep you from the success you deserve. Learn the practical and powerful information you need to immediately accelerate next-level results.
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In order to be truly successful in today s competitive world, you need an edge. 'Blueprint for Success, Proven Strategies for Success and Survival' gives you that edge by providing proven strategies to begin the journey to a lifetime of personal, professional, and financial success…
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'Polar Bears and Penguins: Transforming even the most polarised organisation into a high performing culture where a diverse group of employees can thrive in any weather condition' and accompanying website will change the way you look at yourself, your organization, and the world around you…
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'The 7 Stages of Small-Business Success: From Startup to Seven Figures in Three Years or Less' is written as a roadmap for any entrepreneur to reach his or her ultimate destination.
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