Jordo is a successful entrepreneur, filmmaker, and avid fisherman. He is best known as the founder of Drop Funnels, one of the fastest-growing marketing platforms online. Jordo has helped a lot of businesses grow and reach their full potential by coming up with new ways to market online.
Jordo is not only involved in business, but he is also an award-winning filmmaker. His work has been shown on Netflix, Amazon Prime, NBC, CBS, ABC, and many other popular platforms. His creative skills and attention to detail have won him praise in the business world.
Even though Jordo has a lot going on, he always finds time to do what he loves: fishing. He loves spending time with his wife’s sons and exploring the beautiful lakes in Wisconsin. Jordo is always happy to talk about his favorite hobby, fishing, so if you ask him about his most recent fishing trips, he will tell you all about his best catches.
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