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#SalesChats: Finding Diamonds: How to Find, Hire and Retain Sales Talents

How to Find, Hire and Retain Sales Talents

Employees can be your biggest asset. Unfortunately, they can also be your biggest liability if you aren’t careful in the hiring process. Your sales team is especially important because they are in direct contact with your prospects and customers. In this #SalesChat host John Golden interviews Neal Benedict on strategies employers can use to find the right sales talent. Benedict also discusses the makeup of an effective on-boarding process and why certain personality traits are so important to focus on in successful hiring.

Mark your calendars for Thursday, March 21st at 9am PT and join John Golden, Martha Neumeister and Neil Benedict to uncover the secrets of hiring exceptional salespeople.

Recorded Live 21st March 2019 9am PT/Noon ET

Episode Questions

  1. What are some key strategies to finding the right sales talent?
  2. What are the most important fundamentals of an effective on-boarding process?
  3. Why attitude, beliefs, and values are crucial to hiring success and how you can make sure you keep focus on this?

Our Guest

Neal Benedict

Neal is President and Founder of Silver Brick Management Solutions, with over 20 years of experience in sales and sales management. His passion is for sales leadership and strong competencies in strategic planning and marketing. He helps organizations grow revenue while maximizing profitability.

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Our Hosts

About Our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

Martha Neumeister

Martha is social media strategist, responsible for all social media platforms of Pipeliner CRM. She is a communication expert with social media affinity, which she has been focusing on throughout her professional career. She has a bachelor´s degree in Entrepreneurship & Management and a master´s degree in Online Marketing which supports her in her career as Social Media Strategist.

About SalesChats

#SalesChats is a fast-paced (no more than 30 minutes) multi-media series that provides leading strategies, tactics and thinking for sales professionals worldwide. It can be found on Twitter (#SalesChats), as a live Google+ Hangout, and as a podcast available on iTunes, SoundCloud and right here on SalesPOP! If you think you would make a great guest for #SalesChats, please contact co-host Martha Neumeister.

#SalesChats is co-hosted by John Golden, CSMO Pipeliner CRM, and Martha Neumeister, Social Media Strategist Pipeliner CRM.

The #1 Attribute of Top Sales People

Learn the #1 Attribute of Top Sales People

Everyone is in sales. Any time we influence anyone to do anything we are selling them on a course of action. Justin Cohen shared the #1 attribute of top sales people in London recently. The good news is that we can all develop it.

Sales Negotiating

The Art of Negotiating Effectively

Brandon learned from a very young age from his father, Christopher Voss who is a former FBI hostage negotiator, how to communicate with people. He has adapted those lessons to the sales world and discusses how to set yourself up for the most effective negotiations. He details the importance of understanding the different negotiator types and how adapting to each unique situation is key.

This Sales Expert Interview covers:

  • Addressing negatives early on in the conversation
    • It is important to get these discussions out of the way and then continue to build trust and rapport from there.
  • Negotiator types
    • It can be helpful to identify who is coming to the table so that you can adapt accordingly
    • Dealing with the assertive type who just want to be heard without losing your cool
    • Analysis paralysis – Learn what the analyzer type needs from you
    • Why you don’t necessarily want an accommodator in a negotiation
    • The most dangerous negotiator type
    • Do you need to be able to adapt to each type of personality or do you have to build a team of people who can fill your gaps?
  • Labels
    • Learn about a hostage negotiation technique which is also applicable to sales negotiations that speaks to the emotional side of the situation
  • Tunnel vision in negotiations
    • Being caught up in the destination of negotiation ahead of time can lead to missed opportunities
  • Seamless negotiations
    • What can seamless negotiations do for you and your business

Our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

Leadership Killer

Traits Needed for Great Leadership

Let’s face it. Great leaders can go bad. This happens when someone in a leadership position is only concerned about themselves and their agenda and acts arrogantly rather than with humility. Authors Bill Treasurer, a corporate America veteran, and John Havlik, a Navy SEAL, combine their different perspectives and experience with leadership to discuss the qualities of strong, effective leaders as well as bad leaders.

This Sales Expert Interview covers:

  • Reclaiming humility in an age of arrogance
    • There is a fine line between being confident and arrogant. Arrogance can sometimes be a cover for lack of confidence. Each leader has to find their own balance and be focused on the mission, not their own self-interests. Bill gives simple tips for acquiring humility.
  • The qualities of a great leader
    • John discusses the qualities of what a great leader in the Navy SEALS looks like while Bill provides his opinion on two types of leaders that exist in corporate America.
  • Being busy vs. being distracted
    • Do we really know what our core principles are? We are so distracted today and don’t typically get enough time for reflection.
  • Core lessons business leaders can learn from a Navy SEAL
    • Leaders have to decide whether to be a ruler or a leader. Understanding the difference is key.
  • Knowing when to ask the group for help
    • Everyone in a leader’s group has different skill sets. The leader should be able to rely on the group and ask for help sometimes.

Guest speakers:

Bill Treasurer

Bill Treasurer is the Founder & Chief Encouragement Officer at Giant Leap Consulting, a courage-building company that exists to help people and organizations live more courageously. Bill’s newest book, The Leadership Killer, focuses on reclaiming humility in an age of arrogance. His book tells you how to stay successful once you’ve gotten into a leadership role.


Foster a Healthy Work Culture

How many people work 40+ hours a week for a company that doesn’t foster a healthy work culture? It’s probably way more than you think, and you might even relate presently or in the past. Unfortunately, this has a profound impact on how people perform in their jobs. But there is a solution. Dr. Randy Ross, a culture coach, and best-selling author talks about how building relationally rich work environments can keep employees engaged and motivated. He discusses how trust and feedback are integral to creating a work culture that inspires a company’s most valuable asset: great people.

This Sales Expert Interview covers:

  • What is a relationally rich work environment?
    • The principles and practices that lead to healthy relationships seem so obvious, but you might be surprised that so many organizations place so little emphasis on cultivating healthy relationships. Learn how to create a relationally rich environment.
  • The makeup of a remarkable culture
    • Dr. Ross believes there are three key components to a remarkable culture. He also discusses how trust plays a part.
  • The importance of self-awareness and the doors it opens
    • We have to be able to receive feedback well but also seek it out. Open loops of continuous feedback lead to higher levels of collaboration, innovation, and performance.
  • The art of giving and receiving feedback – “The poor man’s 360”
    • We all have blind spots, so it is imperative to ask people for feedback but also know how to give feedback in a positive way. Dr. Ross provides one simple, thought-provoking question we can ask others to get their feedback.

Our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

Panel: Artificial Intelligence in Sales (on demand)

The use of Artificial Intelligence in Sales has become a hot topic with a lot of hype and myth included. This expert panel discusses AI in Sales and cutting through the noise and bringing you the reality and the real benefit of AI for Sales.

John Golden with guests:

Nikolaus Kimla CEO of Pipeliner CRMNikolaus Kimla – A 30-year veteran of the computer industry, Nikolaus has founded and run several software companies. He and his company uptime iTechnology are the developers of World-Check, a risk intelligence platform eventually sold to Thomson Reuters for $520 million. He is currently the founder and CEO of Pipeliner Sales, Inc., developer and publisher of Pipeliner CRM, the first CRM application aimed squarely at actually empowering salespeople.
Also a prolific writer, Nikolaus has authored over 100 ebooks, articles and white papers addressing the subjects of sales management, leadership and sales itself.


Adrian-DavisAdrian Davis – A professional speaker, author and strategic consultant. He empowers chief executives and sales leaders to create profitable growth through strategic client relationships. He is a provoking speaker addressing senior management and sales groups on strategy and competitive advantage.



Rob JollesRob Jolles has spent over thirty year, and logged over 2.5 million miles as a professional speaker specializing in sales, and influence. He is a best-selling author of five book, translated into over a dozen languages, and President of Jolles Associates, Inc.

Ending Self Sabotage

Negative self-talk is something we all know too well. But all of the personal breakthroughs we’ve had have occurred when we quieted that inner voice telling us we couldn’t do it. What does it really mean to get out of your own head and your own way for ending self-sabotage?

Gary John Bishop, a New York Times Best Selling Author and motivational speaker, talks about how what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and what it takes to really break out of the cycles we put ourselves in.

This Sales Expert Interview covers:

  • Negative self talk
    • Whether you realize it or not you are talking to yourself all day. But do you really understand where this comes from and more importantly WHY you talk negatively to yourself?
  • The risks and benefits of not being yourself
    • What happens when you or others around you do things that are uncharacteristic? What types of reactions do you get?
  • Taking leaps of faith
    • The greatest results in life are in an uncertain zone where you do the things that scare you. Challenge yourself to do things you DON’T think you can do.
  • Personas in today’s world
    • We are now in a time where people try to portray certain personas of themselves, especially on social media. What’s this all about?
  • Who you surround yourself with
    • We like to surround ourselves with people who share the same beliefs that we do. But if you’re truly trying to break out of a cycle, is it a good idea to turn to your friends for advice?

Our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

Exercise Your Courage

Along with his professional credentials, our guest speaker explains how his earlier school background as a high diver is the genesis for the research that he has done on courage. His story as a springboard diver forced him to face his profound fear of heights in order to eventually become a member of the US high dive team. Courage is often referred to as the first virtue in business and leadership. Courage allows you to do things that are hard, scary and challenging. The sacrifice paid is often to encounter your fear. There is a danger is the status quo, there is the risk in action and also a risk of inaction as competitors start to bypass us.

Sales Expert Interview covers:

  • Fear of failure
  • Courage building training
  • Helping others uncover their “high drive”
  • Finding your assertiveness

Fear of failure

How do you get to the point where you know you might fail but you feel like it is the right thing to do right now? Fear of failure and fear of looking foolish is a big block for many, eventually, you need to get to the stage that you realize the risk is bigger by not acting

Steps for courage building training

In your courage building training programs what are your steps to get people to become comfortable with being courageous. Bill breaks it down into three types of courageous and working through each separately: try courage, trust courage and tell courage. By introducing these types of courage then look what is worth applying courage to?

How do you help people uncover their “high dive”:

Where are you playing it too safe? What are you avoiding doing that you know you should be doing? With those answers, you can be pointed into the direction of the purposeful thing you should be doing and addressing the fear.

Vulnerability, how do you help people get over that?

What are your criteria for trust? How does it relate to relationships? Who do you trust the most? What are the characteristics of that person? If you don’t have trust, it impacts results. In a leadership role, you need to have trust to have a strong team.

Tell – finding your assertiveness:

Your fear is getting in the way; denying people to hear your voice, your ideas, and your innovations. It’s holding you back and it’s holding back others from the benefits they could receive if you had the courage to cough up your voice. Bill shares a technique to implement with your supervisors to help establish a trust to be assertive when the assertive behavior is required.

Our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

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