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Automated Sales Tools To Use In 2021
Blog / Technology Insights / Jun 28, 2021 / Posted by Sales POP! / 2289

Automated Sales Tools To Use In 2021

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Tips on how to increase revenue can sometimes be too vague. We have put together all the tools to expand sales, and we’ll tell you what to work on to take your company to the next level.

Sales Tools: 5 Points Of Automation

Some of the most effective tools for increasing revenue are setting up a CRM and automating business processes.

1.   CRM System

CRM for sales is a basic element of automation. Its broad functionality will help you solve a lot of tasks on the analysis, management of employees, and prioritization of tasks. The main functional components of CRM are:

  • Working with the client database;
  • Working with analytical data and reporting.
  • Syncing with a booking app
  • Setting up an SMS integration to follow up leads or contact them manually via SMS for HubSpot

2.   IP-telephony

This technology itself won’t help much with automation. Its obligatory condition is its integration with CRM. Only then can IP-telephony become a tool to increase revenues.

The biggest advantage you get when you connect the CRM and IP is the history of relations and records of conversations with the clients.

  • What was discussed during the last call or what the last touchpoint was;
  • The number of “touches” before a transaction was made;
  • Сustomer responses;
  • Сomments on a particular call.

When the seller has quick access to such information, they can navigate the situation faster and give the buyer the best offer.

3.   Email

Integrating email as a revenue-boosting tool with your CRM system isn’t just about tracking  your correspondence history. For one, you can set up chains of emails that will lead your leads to the decision to buy something step-by-step. Second, there are very cheap email marketing tools available that allow you to mail your opt-in list very efficiently. Your CRM can be triggered to notify your sales agents to call the client at the moment when they show interest in the commercial offer. You can add your custom signature by using a free email online email signature generator available online; this will help to increase your credibility and CTR.

4.   Workday map

It’s a proven tool to increase revenue. It lists the tasks that the employee performs during the day by the minute. The map shows how much time per day employees spend on their direct duties, and how much they spend on personal matters.

5.   Dashboard

Represents a screen or board where employees can see the results of their work. Such a “board” is also an indirect tool to increase turnover.

6.All-in-one app for field salespeople

Badger Maps is a multi-stop route planner app designed specifically for field salespeople. With Badger Maps, you can meet with the right prospects, at the right time, and with the fastest route with 100+ stops.

Sales teams using Badger sell on average 22% more and drive 20% less.

With features like lead generation, check-ins, and follow-up reminders, Badger automates every single aspect of a field salesperson’s job. Badger Maps is the best sales route planner for sales teams, with the selling capabilities of a prospecting tool, and a CRM.

The app is available for PC, Mac, iPhone, and Android. Badger also syncs seamlessly with multiple CRMs, keeping all your important customer information in one place.

Sales Tools: Content Marketing

To get a stable lead generation channel and a tool to increase revenue, you should use content marketing. Experts believe that companies that ignore this tool will not survive.

Content marketing is a set of marketing techniques that people use to create and distribute useful non-advertising information. Create content about what you know. People resonate with expert advice and personal experience. Share your best sales process, favorite product review, or success stories.

Free quality content is valued highly by consumers, as in addition to the paid product, they get a free useful supplement. Such “care” encourages people to buy more from you and engages them in your social media sphere.

The first steps in creating a content marketing tool to increase revenue:

  • Create a website or a blog. Become the editor of an informative full-service media outlet and create one quality text every day.
  • Set up a really useful mailing that won’t look and feel like spam.

Sales Tools: How To Choose Employees

You should organize your system for recruiting, evaluating, training, and supervising staff.

The training system should include several obligatory steps:

  • Adaptation training;
  • Product tutorial with at least 100 questions per group;
  • Product testing;
  • A modular training system for each stage;
  • Regular recruitment of new personnel through competitions.

As a result, you get a full-fledged tool to increase revenue and your own recruitment center, which provides:

  • Reduced adaptation period;
  • Reaching the planned indicators faster and operational efficiency;
  • Reduction of costs on the salary part of salespeople;
  • Increase in funnel conversion;
  • Increase in turnover with the same volume of leads and number of employees.

Sales Tools: Let Your Employees Compete

One of the main methods to increase sales is to create competition in the sales department. To do this, you can use a system of competitions and quick rewards for the winner: “who sold the most,” “who met the weekly plan first,” etc.

Competitions fuel excitement, interest in winning. If you have a good understanding of managers’ motivation and know who has what “button”, this is a great solution for you.

Sales Tools: You Need A Second Department

Another tool to increase revenue is a method that says that 2 for 4 is better than 1 for 8. This means that two teams of 4 are always more effective than one team of 8.

The optimal ratio is: 1st department (1 sales executive + 3 managers) + 2nd department (1 sales executive + 3 managers). This method can help you increase your revenue by 15-20%.

Managers can sometimes perform unusual tasks: the maintenance of product range, update prices, the execution of certain documents, etc. These tasks can be performed by a separate employee.

Sales Tools: Find A Niche

Interaction with your target audience is a very important step on your way to increasing turnover. In general, the business process of niche selection includes several stages.

  • Analyzing the portrait of the target audience;
  • Selecting several niches within the target audience;
  • Developing a marketing strategy according to the choice of niches;
  • Analyzing conversion dynamics and cost by focusing on the selected niches.

Sales Tools: Tie The Amount of Reward to The Fulfillment of The Plan

One of the most effective tools to increase sales is of course material motivation. To have a significant impact on the company’s revenue growth, it should follow several rules:

  • Employees should know and clearly understand the scheme of getting reward;
  • No one should receive money for past deeds: there is a deal, there is a reward.
  • Those who meet the plan should be paid 3 times more than those who don’t meet it.
  • Salary should consist of three parts roughly in the following proportion: hard salary – 30%, soft salary for KPI – 10%, and bonuses for meeting the plan – 60%.
  • There should a certain scheme for bonuses as well: meeting less than 80% of the plan means no bonuses, 80-100% – extra 50% of salary, 100-120% – 150% of salary.

Sales Tools: Turn Buyers Into Sellers

To increase revenue, you should also work with customer loyalty. You can do this by using the NPS (NPS Survey Tool).

Conduct a survey among your customers, ask them just 2 questions.

  • On a 10-point scale, how likely would you recommend us to your friends?
  • What should we do to get you to give us a 10 next time?

As a result, you will get 3 groups of customers: happy, dissatisfied, and neutral. You can work particularly actively with the latter, using them as a base to increase sales.

It will take fewer resources to make them your customers than trying to change the minds of dissatisfied.

Sales Tools: How To Start Shipping, Not Selling

Moving from active to passive sales lies in modern software technology. Some of the tools to increase revenue are:

  • Choosing the CRM and setting it correctly;
  • CRM integration with external data sources: blog, website, emailing;
  • Inbound marketing: your own media channel;
  • Digital pipeline for sales growth: automated marketing efforts individualized for each stage.

Self-serve Sales Demos: More attention to the bigger fish

It might seem like self-serve, especially in software, will kill the traditional sales methods as we know it.

But that’s not true.

If you can automate the sales demos solutions for your mainstream users, who you can also refer to as “small fish”, your salespeople will have more time to go after enterprises and big companies, who you can also refer to as “big fish”.

Instead of resisting the inevitable takeover of self-serve software, salespeople can and should learn to work with the new methods.

For example, sales teams can adopt digital adoption tools such as UserGuiding, and eliminate the need for software demos and 1:1 training sessions by creating interactive self-serve guides for their potential customers. And instead, they can direct their attention towards offering more personalized content and landing the deal.

Sales Tools: How To Free Leads

There are several free sales promotion tools:

  • Activities;
  • Cobranding;
  • Content by email;
  • Content on Youtube;

Sales Tools: Organize Internal Consulting

This is a revenue-raising tool for the top companies in their field. You should really try to get on this list and implement some useful technologies in your small business.

  • An audit and description of successful cases;
  • Standards development;
  • Monitoring;
  • Visiting problem spots and branches;
  • Adjusting operations by reorganizing or restarting a division

We’ve discussed the tools to increase sales in the company. Their versatility and multiplicity can seem frightening. To do everything correctly and effectively, implement these tools gradually, non-stop.

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These are Sales POP! guest blog posts that we thought might be interesting and insightful for our readers. Please email with any questions.

Comments (1)


Meshack Gatu commented...

2 for 4 is better than 1 for 8 is an effective way of managing teams and getting the best out of them. Great read.

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