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TV Expert Interviews / Entrepreneurs / Nov 30, 2019 / Posted by Rachel Lynn Cipriano / 2800

Psychology of Success and Significance


Rachel Lynn Cipriano is the CEO at Magnificent Resilience and plays the role of a Speaker, Advisor, Coach, Author, and Leadership Catalyst. She speaks to organizations committed to building leaders of excellence and deeper significance. She emphasizes those who are great maintaining a commitment to integrity and service. She communicates her exceptional insights with a dynamic speaking style buffered by a great deal of personal warmth. She is committed to the highest caliber of professionalism.

John talks to Rachel about her new book coming out in the next month “Magnificent Resilience To Psychology Of Success And Significance”

  • To Rachel Lynn Cipriano – How did you come to write this book and what is the genesis of it? Why do you think it’s an important thing?
  • Explain the first chapter the book i.e. Triumph of the Comeback.
  • What is the key to be able to embrace a situation and really start to say that I am going to turn this to my advantage and create something positive out of it?
  • What is the role of persistence and flexibility in your overall personality as well as professional growth?
  • Nobody can teach you how to be flexible. It’s up to you how you learn to be. There is no specific tool strategy. What is Rachel’s perception regarding the same?
  • What is the whole concept of self-awareness all about? Why it is necessary? How it will help exponentially in making your life better?

There are times when you need to look around the circle of people surrounding you and if you find any person that is toxic for your growth then it’s better to forget him or her and proceed forward in life. Yes, it may be tough for many as they don’t want to reduce their circle of people but it will help stay positive and do well.

Probably for most of the people, especially when they face issues in business or in their personal life; they usually feel like they won’t able overcome them of the resilience but when you look back through your life in totality, they will find that there are times when they faced some adverse situation and did overcome it. This helps them achieve more and motivates them too.

Running a business, maintaining a marriage, raising children, and managing a career demand leadership and perseverance to flourish. Those who have a burning desire to unlock greater measures of their potential will need exceptional resilience. Make a decision to do something different.

Our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.


About Author

Rachel Cipriano is the CEO/Founder of Magnificent Resilience, a speaking and coaching business dedicated to the personal and professional success of others.


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