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Here Are 3 Simple Steps to Getting a Business Mentor for Free
Blog / Entrepreneurs / Aug 12, 2017 / Posted by Judy Carter / 4569

Here Are 3 Simple Steps to Getting a Business Mentor for Free


Having recently become single, I of course get excited when someone asks me out to dinner, especially using the magic words, “I’m treating!”

“Now, this is promising. Looks like someone really likes me!”

Alas, however, my enthusiasm becomes dampened with these additional words: “I’m treating because I want to pick your brain.”

Don’t get me wrong. At my age it thrills me that anyone wants to pick a piece of my body. My least favorite part to give away for free, however, is my brain. Wouldn’t that be referred to as “intellectual prostitution?” Or put extremely plainly, I’m whoring away my brain for a salmon fillet.

I do understand why people approach me for this reason. I am, after all, a former standup comic turned speaker and one of very few people who gets paid for what they love–getting up in front of others to inspire and entertain. Most of my consultation clients who have come to me to improve presentation skills want to learn how they can quit that day job and get paid to speak.

I know that the comic or speaker who asks me out for a date has good intent, but there’s a better approach to get information, than offer a meal. It’s not like I have a sign on my door that says, “Will consult for food.”

After all, I’m sure you, just like I, have spent a lot of money filling your brain with marketable skills and professional know-how. We’ve gone to college, attended meetings, got CPU credits, not to mention years of therapy to correct a dysfunctional childhood so we can go days without Xanax.

And you want me to tell you how to get paid to speak for a slice of pizza?

Now, I DO give stuff away. But, it’s usually when someone approaches me with a MESSAGE that I believe in. Then I don’t even care about the meal. I WANT to help because the person has ENROLLED me in their message. They get a “piece of my mind” and a boatload of my talent when they offer me to be a part of something I believe in.

I have donated speeches to cancer, children, veterans as well as assisting with writing TED talks for discounted fees because I believe in the MESSAGE. That’s what happened when Muslim scholar, Dalia Mogahed asked me to write her TED talk which resulted in over 1.5 million views. Even though I’m not Muslim, I’m proud to be a part of her message of ending Islamophobia.

So, when you need help that you can’t afford, think about how you approach someone. Rather that paying them with paella, know how to enroll someone in your message.

3 Steps to Enroll a Business Mentor

  1. Describe your business without using these three words, “I” “My” “Me.” Rather, describe what you do in terms of the RESULTS you create for OTHERS.
  2. Identify the “Problems” your business solves. Another words, when Dalia Mogahed came to me, rather than telling me all about herself and the TED talk she wanted to do, she told me of her concerns about the stereotyping and discrimination of Muslims. Although not Muslim myself, I fully got onboard as I wanted to join her in making a difference.
  3. Create a simple statement that contains the problem you want fixed, the audience your business addresses, your credentials to fix the problem, and the results you can create.

Master these simple 3 steps and you will not only enroll a business mentor, but interns, followers, and especially customers. Practice these three steps and use them to promote your business and even get paid to speak!

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About Author

Judy Carter author of “The Comedy Bible” and her latest book,“The Message of You: Turn Your Life Story into a Money-Making Speaking Career” teaches readers how to use speaking to increase their business and income. Learn how to get paid to speak at

Author's Publications on Amazon

Judy Carter, guru to aspiring comedy writers and stand-up comics, tells all about the biz of being funny and writing funny in this bright, entertaining, and totally practical guide on how to draw humor from your life and turn it into a career.
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As a companion to “The Message of You,” Judy Carter has created “The Message of You JOURNAL” -- a 21-Day Interactive Journal that will guide you to uncover the inspiring stories that occur in an ordinary day before they slip through your fingers. You don’t…
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A step-by-step handbook that teaches readers to find the extraordinary stories tucked deep within them to make a difference in the lives of others―and to get paid―as a motivational speaker
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