Without confidence you are twice defeated in the race of life – Marcus Garvey
Confidence comes from clarity of thought. It comes from self-reflection and self-awareness, and also often comes from painful lessons learned. Confidence transmits itself quietly–not with bluster and noise but with an inner calm. Still waters run deep, and confidence built on a lifetime of experience transmits to the others in the most profound way. Confidence is a key to sales success.
In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder there is a secret order – Carl Jung
We live in an age of almost constant disruption, certainly in business but in may other fields, too. Disruption initially can cause chaos within your own business, your customers, your partners – everything is sent into a state of flux. However, if you take a step back and strip away the noise, there is always a way of harnessing the power of change and building new and efficient processes to facilitate its flow. As buyer disruption evolves, it is the sellers that identify the changing order who will win.
Talent is always conscious of its own abundance, and does not object to sharing. – Solzhenitsyn
I don’t think anyone will argue with the statement that we live in the most narcissistic era ever. Yes, we have had rulers and celebrities who took narcissism to great lengths throughout history, but never have we had such a democratizing platform for rampant narcissism as social media represents. The very concept of sharing has become somewhat disfigured as a result. Sharing insight and sharing ideas should come from a desire to help others and improve situations not simply as a way of pushing a personal brand. Salespeople who willingly educate and inform in order to help buyers make better decisions and see their business differently will always win out over those who just try to sell.
Do not quench your inspiration and your imagination; do not become the slave of your model – Van Gogh
Processes are good, they are necessary and at times even critical but they should never be set in stone. Business is dynamic and buyer behavior is dynamic, and consequently process should be constantly reviewed, improved and adapted. Technology should be support such dynamism rather than rigidly enforce the status quo. Sales tools in particular should provide a window into buyer evolution and a mechanism to adapt to them while informing the seller.