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TV Expert Interviews / Sales Management / Nov 26, 2019 / Posted by Dr. Thomas Druyen / 3197

Future Psychology


Thomas Druyen is a German sociologist and director of two institutes at the Sigmund Freud Private University in Vienna. In addition to his work as a speaker and author – especially on philosophical and contemporary topics – Druyen focuses his research on the psychological and neural conditions as well as the accompanying phenomena of shaping the future, digitization, and demographic change. He also deals with the psychology and life of the wealthy.

John and Dr. Druyen discussing the following points:

In this video, we will generate different points related to the concept of future psychology.

  • What is the exact meaning of future psychology?
  • It is often seen that people confuse opinions with the fact these days. Most of the individual think that an opinion is a fact but it’s not; it’s just an opinion. What are Thomas Druyen’s views regarding the same?
  • Today, a lot of people are overwhelmed with the pace of change and they are overwhelmed with all the different moving parts in their own life so looking into the future and seeing this change accelerating is quite frightening in many ways which means you end up probably getting the opposite reaction you are looking for from a lot of people and they said they almost want to shut down and try and hold things where they are today. What is Thomas Druyen’s perception regarding that?
  • Is there any difference in the approach of different people based on different countries like Asia, Europe, China & others?
  • How to improve our future competence and learn to adapt new knowledge more quickly and continuously?

Through digitization and through broadband internet and all of this; this means there is a capacity for decentralization of work in a way that was never possible before as previously you had to concentrate on the brightest and the best but now, if your knowledge worker or you are working with technology, you can pretty much be anywhere in the world and still main connections. This will radically alter the balance of power in many ways.

Radical Change in Everyday Life!

This volume deals with a key concept concerning the future: change. It is omnipresent and yet is often only perceived in retrospect. The book’s editor and founder of Psychological Future Management argue that we are currently experiencing the beginning of the most radical and profound change in human history. This is the right moment to analyze people’s ability to change more precisely. In this first, representative study, Germany was chosen as an example. The results serve as a basis for further psychological, sociological and prospective considerations.

Our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

About Author

Professor Thomas Druyen deals a lot with future psychology and future management. His research fields are as promising as the countries he travels. Different than in Germany.

Author's Publications on Amazon

This volume deals with a key concept concerning the future: change. It is omnipresent and yet is often only perceived in retrospect. The book’s editor and founder of Psychological Future Management argues that we are currently experiencing the beginning of the most radical and profound…
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