There’s a reason it’s called a sales team. The people you hire work together as a unit, each person contributing to the ultimate goal of closing sales and generating profits for the company. However, a few bad people in a team can create a chaotic workplace environment, impede selling, waste resources and finances, and worst of all, lose the company money.
This infographic reveals key insights to find, hire, and train top talent. Bulletproof your next sales hire. Solidify your sales team as a strong, cohesive entity that crushes deals and closes sales. Take these 6 actions and you’ll secure bulletproof hires with a good chance of success and longevity.
Here are the 6 ways to bulletproof your next sales hire:
- Nail down that sales process: Ensure you have an efficient sales process to stay ahead of the competition and create a stable foundation for improved performance results.
- Create an ideal sales rep profile: Go beyond the standard description, and give information on the company culture. Use your lead salespeople as examples of what new hires could be.
- Break the old rules: Delegate non-essential and non-sales activities to administration staff in order to free up sales personnel.
- Create a career path: Help your hires advance beyond the traditional path, and reward them with job security and increased compensation.
- Create new rules; Tools are friends, so invest wisely: Keep all of your tools organized, and keep things in one place. Use a great CRM that will do the work for you.
- Different is better than “better”: Create a job description that creates a desirable outcome for both your company and the candidate.
To learn more about how to boost the quality of your sales hires, check out Stop the Revolving Door of Sales Hiring, Why do Smart People Keep Hiring Weak Salespeople?, and Hiring High-Performance Sales Teams.