Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧 Building Trust in Sales
Podcast Sales Strategy / PodCast / Sep 10, 2019 / Posted by Adrian Davis / 2128

🎧 Building Trust in Sales


The stereotype of the shady car salesman doesn’t fit the majority of salespeople. Most salesmen and women are honest people who are professional and decent, the stereotype isn’t withstanding. However, just because the seller is honest, does not mean that they have built trust with their client. Being honest and building trust are key ways to create relationships with customers and keep them coming back to you again and again. John Golden interviews Adrian Davis on this crucial topic.

This podcast comes from a live interview which you can view here; Essential Sales Tasks

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About Author

Adrian is an international speaker, business strategist and trusted advisor for chief executives and sales leaders. He speaks on the subjects of account strategy, competitive advantage and sales excellence. Find out more about Adrian at

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In our increasingly digitized and fast-paced world, human relationships are often strained sales relationships even more so. Today's buyers are better informed, more sophisticated, and more transactional. As a result, sales professionals must navigate new challenges as they seek to develop meaningful relationships with these…
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About Author

Adrian is an international speaker, business strategist and trusted advisor for chief executives and sales leaders. He speaks on the subjects of account strategy, competitive advantage and sales excellence. Find out more about Adrian at

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