Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧 Why Your Business Should Invest in CRM and Not Rely on Excel
Podcast Sales Technology / PodCast / Jan 20, 2020 / Posted by Resa Gooding / 1559

🎧 Why Your Business Should Invest in CRM and Not Rely on Excel

1 comment

We are interviewing Resa Gooding who is an expert in multiple digital marketing disciplines, including marketing automation and closed-loop reporting with Heads of Sales. She is extremely passionate and knowledgeable about digital media and has an in-depth understanding of inbound marketing and sales enablement best practices to help companies generate immediate and sustained marketing success.

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About Author

HubSpot Certified and an expert in multiple digital marketing disciplines, including marketing automation and closed-loop reporting with Heads of Sales. She guides clients through digital marketing campaign planning, software setup and HubSpot tool training.

Comments (1)


Emmanuel Ennie Dassi commented...

This is really good and educative .

About Author

HubSpot Certified and an expert in multiple digital marketing disciplines, including marketing automation and closed-loop reporting with Heads of Sales. She guides clients through digital marketing campaign planning, software setup and HubSpot tool training.

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